Measuring up: How the UK is performing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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Measuring up: How the UK is performing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
UKSSD report ‘Measuring up’ shows how the UK is performing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the first time. And while there’s an enormous amount to celebrate, the most vulnerable people and places in our society are increasingly being left behind.
Measuring up is the most comprehensive review of the current situation in the UK conducted to date. It tells us what is happening in the UK for people, the environment and the economy.
Out of 143 relevant targets, UKSSD found that the UK is performing well on 24% (green), with 57% where there are gaps in policy coverage or performance is not adequate (amber), and 15% where there is little or no policy in place to address the target or the performance is poor (red).
Over 100 organisations worked together to produce the report, with the production of each Goal chapter led by an organisation with expertise in the subject. Their initial research was reviewed and added to by others before being captured in the final summary chapter.
UKSSD is calling for leadership from the Government supported by cross-sector action from businesses, charities and people to ensure the UK achieves the SDGs as quickly as possible.
Download the report 
·         Executive summary
Individual chapters
·         SDG 1 – No poverty 
·         SDG 2 – Zero hunger 
·         SDG 4 – Quality education
·         SDG 5 – Gender equality
·         SDG 13 – Climate action
·         SDG 14 – Life below water
·         SDG 15 – Life on land
To see our background research download the appendixes below
What does ‘Measuring up’ mean for your organisation?
The SDGs cannot be achieved by individual organisations or government alone. Measuring upreveals the links between the targets and highlights the importance of working together.  
The information in Measuring up helps organisations identify where they are having, and could have, an impact on the SDGs. By looking at the relationships between the Goals or Targets we can also identify organisations whose work relates to our own – even if they’re in a different industry or sector. This opens the door to interesting, and potentially unexpected, opportunities for collaboration.

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