How to Lobby at Intergovernmental Meetings

At the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi before Christmas Jan Gustav and I ran a training session for three hours for nearly 100 stakeholders attending the UNEA meeting. You can download the presentation from here.

Many organizations waste a huge amount of their money not training up their staff to engage in the negotiations they send them to.

If your organization wants to have training on how to engage with the intergovernmental negotiations then do email me for a price.

Comments about my experience at this:

"He is a genius for convincing the most skeptical legislator of the eminent reasonableness of the sustainable development case."

 RT Hon JOHN GUMMER MP former UK Secretary of State for the Environment

“Felix has been a passionate campaigner for people’s involvement in the central challenges of our time – how to balance our consumption of natural resources with the earth’s capacity, at the same time as addressing global inequality and poverty. He has enormously enriched the global intellectual debate on sustainability issues, and has been a “thought leader” of his age.”

Dr CRISPIAN OLVER, Former South African Director General Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism

“Felix has been a true global leader, a unique person with the capacity to define global issues, based on an indepth understanding of the concerns and priorities of stakeholders at all levels. Such a breath of vision is rare, and we feel privileged to have been able to work so closely with Felix throughout the Rio+20 processes.”

PAULA CABALLERO GOMEZ, Director, Directorate of Economic, Social and Environmental of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Columbia

“I couldn’t dare to admit to which extent Felix has influenced international sustainable development policy".

JORGE LAGUNA CELIS, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN


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