interested in urban issues, food,water, energy and climate then time to submit your abstract for the Nexus Conference

We hope you will engage in the second Nexus Conference – Water-Food-Energy-Climate will be on the 16-18th of April 2018 in Chapel Hill in North Carolina organized by The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina.  It will focus at the Nexus at the urban level.
First, we would hope you would share the possibility of you, your colleagues and any one you know who might be interested submitting abstracts for the conference
Second, we are looking for the chance to develop collaborative research out of the conference.
Third, we would hope that you and others might attend the event which will also feed into the reviews of the relevant Sustainable Development Goals.
We ask abstracts to be returned to us by the 7th of November. The papers presented at the Conference will have the chance to be published in an online book by New World Frontiers ( )
. It will focus of the abstracts should be on:
                 Science-policy interface;
                 review of Sustainable Development Goal commitments (2018 and for the Heads of State review in 2019);
                 sharing of tools, indicators and methodologies; and
                 the identification of gaps.
The conference will facilitate space for the development of collaborative work.
It will build on recognizing and respecting the work that sector experts are engaged with while also addressing some key challenges that will require a Nexus approach these include:
                 Agriculture will have to produce 30-50% more food by 2030
                 Primary energy needs will increase by 40% by 2030
                 Demand for water will exceed global availability by 40 % in 2030
                 Surge of 200 million climate change refugees will reverse global healthcare progress by 2050
Since the 2014 conference ( ) a number of areas that interface
with the Nexus discourse have developed and the conference will address three cross cutting areas.
These will be in particular the urban challenge – where the Nexus tradeoffs really become vital to communities and people’s lives.
The conference will also welcome abstracts looking at the health-related Nexus issues recognizing that with climate change these will increase.Finally, it will look be happy to receive input on migration and mobility as governments and stakeholders start to develop the Global Compact on Migration over the next two years. Nexus issues play a critical role in the increase of migration as food and water become scarce and climate change impacts are increasingly have an effect.

Jamie Bartram and Felix Dodds

Co-Directors of the 2018 Nexus Conference 


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