Agenda for Indicators Meeting for the SDG June 1st and 2nd

The First Meeting of the Interagency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators.   Watch on UNTV

Co-chairs elected 

Dr. Lisa Grace S. Bersales Philippines  and Fabiola Riccardini Italy 

June 1st

Opening session 
1. Mr Wu Hongbo UNDESA USG

2. Methods of working of the group (50 minutes)
- introduction by UNSD
-Open discussion

Break (20 minutes)

3. Indicator framework - global, regional,  national, sub national and thematic indicators (50 minutes)
- Introduction by UNSD
- Presentations
  • National and sub national monitoring and its link to global monitoring (Philippines)
  • Regional monitoring and its link to global monitoring (Member State of Sub Saharan Africa tbc)
  • Thematic monitoring and its link to global monitoring (UNICEF)
- Open discussion

4. Process of selecting indicators

- Introduction by UNSD
- Presentations
  • Identification of interlinkages of targets and use of multi-purpose indicators (agency, tbc)
  • Integrated statistical framework ege SEEA (UNSD)
  • critical issues (dis-aggregation, inequality etc.) (agency tbc)
- open discussion

Afternoon session (2-5.30pm)

5. Discussion on indicators under specific goals to identify core issues for the work ahead
a. Goals 1,2 and 10 (65 minutes)
- Introduction remarks by countries and open discussion and open discussion

Break (20 minutes)
b) Goals 3,4 and 5 (65 minutes)
- Introduction remarks by countries and open discussion
c) Goals 6 and 7 (50 minutes) 
-Introduction remarks by countries and open discussion

6. Statement by Major Groups and other stakeholders (10 minutes)

Tuesday 2nd June
 Morning session (9-11.15am)

7 Continuation of the discussion on indicators under specific goals to identify core issues for the work ahead

a) Goals 8,9, 12 ( 70 minutes)

- Introductory remarks by countries and open discussion

b) Goals 13,14,15 ( 70 minutes)

- Introductory remarks by countries and open discussion

Break (20 minutes)

c) Goals 11,16,17 (20 minutes) 

- Introductory remarks by countries and open discussion

Afternoon session (100-530pm)

7.  Continuation of the discussion on indicators under specific goals to identify core issues for the work ahead

 c) continued (70 minutes)

8. Statements by Major Groups and other stakeholder (6 minutes)

Break (20 minutes)

9. Way Forward ( 60 minutes)

- Introduction and open discussion

10. Conclusion

11. Closing 


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