Still time to send in abstract for the 2015 Nexus Conference - Water-Energy-Food-Climate

Preparation for the Nexus Conference 2015 (energy, Food, Water and Climate) continues a pace. Still time to get your abstract in (10th of November). Abstract themes are:
  • Sustainable and Resilient Development at a Local Level
  • Transboundary, National and Local Nexus Governance
  • Corporate Stewardship of the Nexus
  • Financing in a Nexus World
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Water Stress, Vulnerability, and Health
  • Managing Resources: Optimizing Co-Demands

If you haven't submitted yet please do and get engaged in the Nexus.


  1. 202-566-9744. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602
    Comment on the Clean Power Plan Proposed Rule

    It would appear that President Obama has done his homework on this issue, by all I have heard Implementation of the Montreal Protocol had extensive economic benefits, including USA exporting alternative technology.

    Proof Positive that we can rally together, when a confronting a common threat, that potentially reduces us all, to our Lowest Common Denominator : Survival of the Species.
    The Montreal Protocol exemplify's the Highest Common Denominator :
    Survival of the Entire Species.

    The President grasps the interactive by-products of increased health issues, the U.N. is just catching on, to that reality Nexus2015.
    My proposed solution addresses the increased health issues that are interactive by-products of present sewage disposal, issues.

    President Obama said it "40 % of carbon emissions" come from Power Plants.
    The IPCC suggests a Minimum 40 % Global Reduction of Carbon Emissions is required to address Climate Change.

    The EPA is uniquely positioned to exemplify s the Highest Common Denominator
    1) Follow the Presidents directives, and create the demand for innovation.
    2) Maximize Economic benefits by exporting the Alternative Technology Globally.
    3) Expediting a 40 % Global Reduction of Carbon Emissions.

    My suggested Alternative Technology
    Human Excrement + Nuclear Waste = Hydrogen

    1) The Nuclear Waste exists "right now" today!
    2) The Excrement is renewable daily.
    3) Radiolysis does not require extreme temperatures,
    Eliminating the possibility of Meltdown, Peoples greatest Nuclear Fear!
    4) Nuclear Waste and Human Excrement need never come in direct Physical contact.
    Eliminating the Possibility of Nuclear Proliferation. Peoples secondary Nuclear Fear.
    5) Hydrogen can be burned on Radiolysis Site to generate electricity.
    Eliminating Hydrogen transportation infrastructure (pipelines)
    6) Water created in the Hydrogen Exhaust could replenish aquifers.

    All levels of the USA Military Industrial Complex including the Department of Defense have
    expressed significant security concerns associated with continued excessive carbon emissions.
    Indicating a mobilization of forces similar to a war effort is required to calm
    Military Security Concerns and Issues through the expedited implementation of alternative technologies.
    I support President Barack Obama 140% on this issue.

    Dennis Baker
    106-998 Creston Avenue
    Penticton BC Canada


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