Launching the New Book - From Rio+20 to the New Development Agenda

Programme for May 1st was:

Ms. Afaf Konja (Moderator)
-Remarks by H.E. Mr. Román Oyarzun Marchesi
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations
-Remarks by H.E. Mr. Antonio de Aguiar Patriota
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations
-Remarks by H.E. Mr. Joseph Goddard
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Barbados to the United Nations
-Remarks by H.E. Mrs. Yanerit Morgan
Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations
-Message of appreciation on behalf of authors Mr. Jorge Laguna-Celis
questions answered by co-authors Felix Dodds and Liz Thompson.
Jorge Laguna-Celis (co-author)
Brazilian Ambassador Patriota

Yamina (UN Habitat), Valerie (Monaco) 

Marco (UNV) and Katie
Ambassador Isabelle F. Picco (Monaco)

Spanish, Brazilian Ambassadors and Liz Thompson (co-author)

Thanks to all those who attended a great evening. 

The event addressed:
Why was the Rio+20 Conference so significant and which are some of its most main results?
Why advancing in the implementing of Rio+20 is central for building a strong post 2015
development agenda?
How can the post 2015 development agenda build on the transformative vision of Rio+20 in
which poverty eradication, changing unsustainable and promoting sustainable patterns of
consumption and production and protecting and managing the natural resource base of
economic and social development are the overarching objectives of and essential
requirements for sustainable development?


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