65TH ANNUAL UN DPI//NGO CONFERENCE (27-29 August 2014) -- 2015 and Beyond: Our Action Agenda Theme: The role of civil society in the post-2015 development agend

This is THE event for stakeholders to attend if they are engaged in the 2015 process on the Sustainable Development Goals or the climate change process.

Following the release of the reports of the Open Working Group and the Experts Committee on SD Financing this summer, we invite you to prepare for the 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference on "2015 and Beyond: Our Action Agenda" taking place at UN HQ (NY), 27-29 August 2014. The Conference will provide an opportunity for civil society, international networks and activists to develop an “Action Agenda” to mobilize messaging, advocacy strategies, partnerships and accountability frameworks in the lead up to the start of the intergovernmental negotiations at the beginning of the 69th session of the General Assembly for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda, due to culminate at a Summit in September 2015. The Conference will also be an important milestone ahead of the Secretary-General’s September 2014 Climate Summit and UN General Assembly, finalization of the Synthesis Report on the post-2015 development agenda, and the Lima (2014) and Paris (2015) UNFCCC COPs.

As planning for the Conference continues, we invite you to submit your proposals for midday workshops based upon the conference plenary themes which will include poverty eradication, sustainability, climate change and human rights, with partnerships and accountability frameworks as cross-cutting issues. 

The workshop deadline to submit is 4 June 2014, at 11 pm (2300) US EST.
Opportunities to register and submit your inputs on the conference programme and zero draft declaration will follow shortly.

The post-2015 agenda will have Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication at its core. Other major topics will include inequality, hunger, nutrition and food security, education, growth and employment, population dynamics, health, climate change, environmental sustainability, energy and water, governance, conflict and fragility, freedom of information, and human rights. The “Concept Note” provides an overview and it is strongly recommended that you read it.

The Workshop Proposal should

 Address one or more of these topics and speak to the transformative changes expected from post-2015; this can also be a review and assessment of the MDGs, especially those not yet achieved.
 Examine current practices as well as challenges; can include lessons learned.
 Look at emerging issues, innovative solutions, technology, social media, and partnerships including those with the private sector.
 Communicate approaches that are replicable, adaptable at the grassroots level, and inclusive in their approach to solutions.
 Showcase collaborative projects on the ground or global.
 Include a Social Media plan (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
 If possible, include digital content (such as a short video) linked to the workshop’s thematic content that may be used to promote the Conference and generate workshop discussion or outcome.
-- Proposals must be submitted via the designated submission form found here.

Deadline for workshop proposal submissions is
Wednesday, 4 June 2014 @ 11pm (2300) United States
Jeffery Huffines
Chair, 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference
CIVICUS UN Representative (NY)
Cell: +1 646-707-1060
Email: jeffery.huffines@civicus.org
Skype: jefferyvhuffines


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