Christmas Nerd UN Lobbyist Quiz

So call yourself a lobbyist at the UN? Then here is my gift to you a nerd quiz for Christmas. Who will chair the group of 77 in 2014? Who will be have the European Presidency during 2014 (hint two countries)? Who is the President of the UN General Assembly? Which country pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol in 2013? How many governments are members of the Sustainable Development Goals Open Working Group? Who was the main government official behind the setting of the Expert Committee on Sustainable Development Finance? Which government official who chaired one of the working groups this year in the UNFCCC used to work on the team editing Outreach? Who is head of the UN Division on Sustainable Development which acts as the secretariat for the SDG OWG? Who is the new Head of the UNCCD? What is the stated position of the UN Secretary General on term limits for UN Under Secretary Generals? Which are the countries whose Ambassadors chair the SDG OWG? Who was the UN Secretary Gene...