"To feed nine billion people by 2050, warns an expert
we need to produce more in 40 years than in the last eight millennia "

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) discussed today how to integrate the social, economic and ecological sustainability. Organized around two round tables on "the convergence of policies for sustainable development" and "intensifying efforts for sustainable development", the day of the debate was an opportunity to emphasize the importance of science and innovation to improve food productivity of a planet where 870 million people suffer from hunger and he will feed 9 billion people by 2050. Research Director of the World Agroforestry Centre, Philip Dobie, said that the production of food for the next 40 years would be higher than what has been produced during the last eight millennia.

In an opening statement, the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Jan Eliasson, said that the attention given by the ECOSOC to the issue of science, technology and innovation came at a particularly suitable time these areas have the potential to provide a "win-win" solution to the issue of energy and sustainable agriculture. He recalled that access to sustainable energy for all is a key priority identified by the Secretary-General, and at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development "Rio +20".

In his closing remarks, the Deputy for Economic and Social Affairs, Secretary-General, Wu Hongbo, said that policy makers need more than ever in science, technology and innovation to achieve the objectives of sustainable development before calling to strengthen the link between science and politics. The role of ECOSOC is essential for us to have a single agenda for sustainable development, clear objectives and policy frameworks to facilitate the achievement of these objectives, supported by increased international cooperation, noted for its hand, the President of ECOSOC, Mr. Néstor Osorio. This day of debate, it was bliss, was an opportunity to identify initiatives that will be very useful to the substantive session of July, which will be held this year in Geneva.

"For the United Nations to be credible in promoting renewable energy, it would have to be able to set clear and realistic targets in this area," said Ambassador for Global Challenges of Global Green Growth Forum (3GF), Mrs. Sus Ulbæk, who was speaking by videoconference from Denmark, during the round table on the convergence of policies for sustainable development.   "What we lack is a unique mechanism of governance at the international, regional and local levels to allow concerted action by all stakeholders in achieving sustainable dudéveloppement said the former Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum for a sustainable future, Mr. Felix Dodds.

"If you act in a sustainable way, you retain the best talent, if you are an environmentally responsible country, you attract tourists," stressed the President of Natural Capitalism, Ms. Hunter Lovins, before citing the example of the company " Unilever "which has doubled its profits in two years, having pledged to halve its environmental impact and lift millions of people out of poverty.

"If you expect an altruistic attitude, you may wait a long time," warned the Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Mr. Adnan Z. Amin, addressing the representative of Nicaragua is concerned at the low level of investment in renewable energy in Latin America and one of Nigeria who wanted clarification on aid to facilitate the transformation of an economy based on fossil fuels to a green economy.

Global investments in renewable energy accounted for only 18 billion dollars per year compared to the total global subsidies, they, totaled $ 550 billion, noted Mr. Amin. That is why, he said, it is necessary to create a favorable market for investment and security. Abundant in this and calling for action, Ian Noble, Senior Researcher of the Institute of World adaptation in Washington DC, said it should not be expected to create a "fund green "because, he said, the actors are tired of the slowness of some institutional processes. The goals set by over 120 governments in sustainable energy to provide the private sector the best incentive for research and funding he was recalled (watch his presentation here )

Ms. Ulbaek, which was based on the exemplary economic resilience acquired by Denmark through its initiatives in clean energy, said that the cost of switching to a "brown economy" to a "green economy" is estimated at 700 billion globally. To achieve the objectives of sustainable development and promotion of renewable energy, "it belongs to the ECOSOC to establish a mechanism for monitoring targets for renewable energy materials, which theBretton Woods institutions participate, stressed José Antonio Ocampo, Chairman of the Committee for Development Policy.

The next public meeting of the Economic and Social Council will be held at a date to be announced in the Journal of the United Nations.


Opening Statements

Mr. NESTOR OSORIO, President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), said that this year's Annual Ministerial Review will be devoted to examining the ways in which science, technology and innovation, as well as " potential of culture "can promote sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). He said that the issues of energy and agriculture will be examined to identify the potential of science, technology and innovation to achieve sustainable development.

Mr. Osorio said that access to reliable and affordable energy sources would improve the operational efficiency of the industrial sector. Access to electricity and the use of clean stoves contribute, he added, to reduce air pollution and to fight against hunger and poverty, while increasing productivity in food material. In addition, renewable energy sources and clean technologies can reduce significantly the emissions of greenhouse gas emissions, he said.

The President of ECOSOC requested that the AMR leads to the definition of short-term policies capable of achieving long-term gains in terms of sustainable development. It should also allow us to clearly understand the relationship between science, technology and innovation and sustainable development, he added.

Mr. ELIASSON January, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, said that the attention given by the ECOSOC to the question of science, technology and innovation came at a particularly suitable time, these areas have the potential to bring an equitable solution to the issue of energy and agriculture. He recalled that access to sustainable energy for all is a key priority identified by the Secretary General. At the Rio +20 conference, the leaders had stressed the importance of focusing on the agricultural sector, said Mr. Eliasson, before recalling the goal of "Zero Hunger tolerance."

The Deputy Secretary-General then held that the Intergovernmental Policy Forum and universal high-level desired by the Member States at the Rio +20 conference to chart a path for sustainable development should also allow for better coordination within the United Nations system. The UN, he said, must learn to work closely together to avoid duplication and enhance its effectiveness. Eliasson also said that a special UN team ensured a support group open work on sustainable development objectives of the General Assembly. ECOSOC, he said, has a particularly important role to play in monitoring the commitments made at Rio +20 role.

Mr. WU HONGBO, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, emphasized the role of ECOSOC to promote a balanced implementation of the three pillars of sustainable development. He stressed the importance of the subsidiary bodies of ECOSOC, he recalled, have a broad expertise in all economic, social and environmental issues to help us forge a consensus on policies to be adopted and their implementation. He also stressed the importance of science, technology and innovation to integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development, but also to promote health, increase productivity, improve resource efficiency and reduce the impact the human environment. Wu called to invest in sustainable agriculture, to ensure productivity while ensuring viable products. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research has stimulated the first Green Revolution, he was welcomed. It would take a similar effort to achieve sustainable food production that can meet future needs. "Science, technology and innovation are also essential to the promotion of sustainable energy," he insisted before emphasizing the simplicity of some of these technologies. The Head of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs has called for efforts to promote social acceptance and profitability of innovations.

Roundtable 1: The convergence of policies for sustainable development

Opening Statements

In an opening statement, Mr. Adnan Z. Amin, Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency, who hosted the roundtable, said the international community remained below target integration since the Rio Summit in 1992. He stressed the importance for the United Nations, in particular ECOSOC to develop a functional architecture for integration, remembering that we are now moving from an era of institutional proliferation in an era building institutions. He called to learn from the experience of the emergence of new economic growth, particularly on the African continent for 10 years ranging between 7 and 10% growth is observed. It is also important to consider the fundamental question of science and technology, he said.

MICHAEL ANDERSON, Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for the development goals of the United Nations, immediately indicated that the Working Group to identify the objectives of sustainable development will submit its report within two weeks. By 2014, the General Assembly has received many contributions from different groups working on this issue. He urged Member States to establish a framework of specific negotiation and identify a list of priority issues. We should learn to avoid falling into the utopia putting on the table goals or unrealistic ideas, he recommended. While stressing the importance of technical assistance, Mr. Anderson recommended the creation of a real boost to lead to genuine political will. He also said it is important for ECOSOC to learn the MDGs by identifying what worked and what did not.

What are the lessons learned from the UK that could be useful to the UN? questioned the moderator.

To this question, Mr. Anderson said that the British Government had established policies to assess the question of the impact on the environment. His government, he added, was a high-level group to examine the issue of integration and sustainable development. Mr. Anderson also spoke of a green food project whose objective is to improve the country's food system while creating jobs.

Speaking by videoconference, Ms. SUS ULBÆK Ambassador for Global Challenges of the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) (Denmark) stressed the crucial role of the private sector to support the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development. The private sector, she suggested, should be more active in finding technical solutions and the mobilization of resources. It is, of course, take into account the resources available to the country and the cost of solutions. If you want to do something to achieve a more efficient world energy level and fight against inequality, should seriously consider the issue of subsidies. She felt that the energy management is a crucial element to change the methods of production and consumption and ensure its sustainability.

Responding to a question from the moderator of the exemplary economic resilience that Denmark has gained through its initiatives in clean energy, Ms. ULBÆK cited the choices that were made in terms of investment and innovation in the long term Denmark. She stressed the need to promote cooperation between the Government and the private sector to adopt that policy measures are fully effective. It is important, she said, setting very high taxes on gas and oil and provide incentives for the development of sustainable energy. These incentives do not mean subsidies, she said. The objective of Denmark's happened, eventually, fossil with optimal cooperation between the private sector and the Government energy, she assured.

Commenting on this statement, Mr. Amin said that the goals set by over 120 governments in sustainable energy accounted for the private sector, the best way to research. That is why he called the clarity of policy instruments and incentives.

IAN NOBLE, Principal Scientist of the Institute of World adaptation (Washington DC), called on delegations to learn how to make more efficient the cycle from conception of an idea to its implementation on the ground. We should start by designing farming as an unsustainable process, carrying many challenges also vary from one place to another, he suggested. Mr. Noble also considered a "real problem" lies in the fact that few scientists are able to work in three key areas of sustainable development. He also called for better integration of science and scientific fields.

What specific mechanisms should be set up to move forward in this area? asked the moderator.

Mr. Noble said he would begin to establish not only fewer reports, but also to write them in a much more targeted incorporating elements specific answers. It is also important that we learn to take into account the limitations imposed by the political world, he added. The exchange of scientific information should be free, he said.

By videoconference JOSE GRAZIANO DA SILVA, Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), said that we could achieve the goals of sustainable development as it there will be no solution to eliminate hunger and malnutrition. He praised the example of the "Zero Hunger Challenge" initiative, launched by the Secretary General of the United Nations, which has five focus respectively on a 100% access to food, zero growth retardation objectives with children under two years, the sustainability of all food systems, a 100% increase in productivity of small farms and the end of the food waste. He said that these five pillars helped the United Nations to align the work of the High Level Group of the Secretary-General on food security in the world.

During a thematic global high-level consultation on hunger, food security and nutrition, held in Spain in April 2013, participants were engaged on the need to eradicate hunger by 2050, when that the world population will reach nine billion. Da Silva said that 18 countries had already reached well before 2015, the goal of halving the number of people suffering from hunger. Beyond issues of production, he pointed out, is the lack of access to food remains the main cause of hunger now faced by 870 million people. Agriculture remains the main key to the fight against hunger and feed a population that will exceed 9 billion by 2050.

The Director-General of FAO said that billions of people depend on agriculture, in particular worrying difficulties 500 million small farmers who are among the most important of our natural resources managers. He noted that 70% of people experiencing malnutrition live in rural areas of developing countries. Progress on sustainable development requires a radical change in the governance of agriculture, he said, calling for a focus on economic and social dimension of hunger.

JOSÉ ANTONIO OCAMPO, Chairman of the Committee for Development Policy, stressed the importance of integrating social objectives in economic activities and to integrate environmental considerations into economic solutions. He then called for the creation of a specific mechanism for the authorities to consider these dimensions when making economic decisions. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development "Rio +20" was to integrate the concept of green economy, notably recalled Mr. Ocampo stressed the need to focus on both the appearance scientific than the economic dimension.

Mr. Ocampo also noted that funding for science, technology and innovation depended too much entitlement intellectual property. It is therefore important, he suggested, to diversify sources of income. He proposed the creation of a public fund that allows to buy a specific technology and then put them freely available to the public. Impose duties on innovation is not the best way to disseminate knowledge, he said. For Ocampo, it would be better to establish new mechanisms for international cooperation, create global research centers and research networks for both developing countries and industrialized countries.

The Moderator noted that technology, often seen as a commodity was transferred through investment models that require the use. The technology is not an interchangeable commodity, then how to ensure that investments result in satisfactory results? The issue of intellectual property rights is not it too exaggerated? he also asked. Amin asked whether ECOSOC was now able to address the issue of the environment.

The panelist called for the establishment of a monitoring mechanism and a review system that allows pairs ECOSOC to act, especially on issues of gender and population. He then pointed out that the technology could be better used through computers. He also proposed the creation of a research center on intellectual property. Public funds may also be used to facilitate innovation, he suggested.

Interactive debate

"For the United Nations to be credible in promoting renewable energy, they must be able to establish clear and realistic objectives in this area," said Ms. Sus Ulbæk Ambassador for the global challenges of Global GreenGrowth Forum (3GF) (Denmark) during the roundtable on the convergence of policies for sustainable development.

The first interactive debate was an opportunity for stakeholders to focus on the social aspect of sustainable development. Ms. Ulbæk noted that the cost of switching to a "brown economy" to a "green economy" was estimated at $ 700 billion. To achieve the objectives of sustainable development and promotion of renewable energy, "it belongs to the ECOSOC to establish a mechanism for monitoring targets for renewable energy, which theBretton Woods institutions participate, said the Chairman of the Committee development policies, José Antonio Ocampo. To avoid confusion, he suggested that the Secretary-General's Expert Group on Renewable Energy report to ECOSOC and not the General Assembly.

On policy coherence for sustainable development, stakeholders have called for closer scientific political leaders. All agreed on the role of ECOSOC, which is defined by its mandate, to coordinate all efforts to promote sustainable development, based on its subsidiary bodies that cover all economic, social and environmental aspects of development sustainable. We must move away from traditional methods to create a multitude of activities that are superimposed and why everyone tries to play a role in a piecemeal fashion, said the Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA ), Mr. Adnan Z. Amin.

Responding to a suggestion of the representative of Morocco for more technical thematic debates within the ECOSOC, citing differences between solar thermal and photovoltaic energy-Amin called to avoid duplication and to inquire of the work done by the International Agency for Renewable Energy.

"Scientists are not interested in politics," noted the Director of the Secretariat of the United Nations Forum on Forests, Ms. Jan McAlpine, who proposed that ECOSOC establish a framework that would participate in the both scientists and governments in order to improve the integration of science in politics. The representative of the United Republic of Tanzania found that the TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Trade), entered into force on 1 January 1995, was, to date, the Multilateral Agreement most comprehensive intellectual property.

The representative of Mexico stressed the relevance of the UN to gather relevant stakeholders decision-making processes relating to the promotion of food security and access to sustainable energy for all. The role of the ministries of these issues is very important to follow a coordinated implementation of the development goals. The representative of the European Union supported the need for stronger links between science and technology policy to support a more consistent decision-making within and outside the United Nations. He stressed the importance of having consistent and reliable statistical data. Regarding cohesion, he felt it would ensure policy coherence with areas that are not directly under ECOSOC is the respect for democracy, human rights and the promotion of women

If the representative of Pakistan asked to identify measures that could be taken to strengthen the integration process beyond dialogue to establish a joint program between the various international organizations and ECOSOC, the United States felt that openness and trade was the best way to find a better synergy between international targets and national targets.

"If you expect an altruistic attitude, you may wait a long time," said the Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency representative of Nicaragua is concerned at the low level of investment in energy renewables in Latin America and one of Nigeria, who asked about the incentives and financial assistance to facilitate the transformation of an economy based on fossil fuels to a green economy economy. Noting that global investments in renewable energies represent only 18 billion of the total grant amount, which is $ 550 billion, Mr. Amin said it was necessary to encourage people to act creating a conducive market investments and guarantee the safety of investments in renewable energy. Abundant in this and calling for action, Ian Noble, Senior Researcher at the Institute of World adaptation in Washington DC., Said it should not be expected to create a fund green, because the actors are tired of the slowness of some institutional processes.

Roundtable 2: Intensify efforts to promote sustainable development

MASOOD KHAN, Vice-President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), stressed the importance of increased cooperation between governments, civil society and the private sector to advance sustainable development. He said that partnerships can not substitute for the commitment of governments, but they still have an important role to play in sustainable development. He also stressed the importance of partnerships in countries facing major social or economic difficulties. Mr. Khan said that ECOSOC had an important role in encouraging this type of partnership. He also emphasized the key role of major groups.

Mrs. FLORENCE CHENOWETH, Minister of Agriculture of Liberia, said that in his country, agriculture was a huge potential for sustainable development. She explained that the government focused on the adoption of practices that promote sustainable use, as well as techniques for protecting land, flora and fauna. The rate of food insecurity was 58% in 2006, it had risen to 42% and to 35% in 2012. However, this figure remains a concern and that is why the Government of Liberia has taken a series of measures to attract investment so that farmers can take advantage of scientific and technological advances.

The Government of Liberia has set up a body that aims to distribute 35% of agricultural inputs to women, especially women heads of households, said the Minister. In 2010, she added, WFP used exclusively corn and cassava products in Liberia for its school feeding programs in the country. After 25 years of crisis, which had destroyed the country's agricultural sector, Liberia could become relatively autonomous in this respect, it is welcomed.

What resources would be injected to continue on this path? asked the Moderator.

The Minister said that over the past six years, the country had attracted nearly $ 16 billion in foreign investment which half was granted to the agricultural sector. Currently, Liberia has the highest electricity costs in the world, with 57 cents per watt. How can we invest in agriculture paying much for energy? said Ms. Chenoweth, who noted that only large-scale investment needed to prevail in the energy sector.

Ms. Hunter Lovins, President of Natural Capitalism, focused on the added value of companies that have integrated the three pillars of sustainable development. She called to examine the factors that have allowed companies have integrated the concept of sustainability in the management of their company to obtain better results in terms of job creation. She noted that 46 studies showed that companies with environmentally sustainable ethics and good governance, which behave "sustainable" have a better economic performance than the "bad boys" in the matter. She cited the identification of 13 positive aspects from the companies which made sustainability a priority. "If you act in a sustainable way, you retain the best talent, if you are an environmentally responsible country, you attract tourists," insisted Ms. Lovins, before citing the example of the company "Unilever" has doubled its profits in two years, having committed to halving its environmental impact and lift millions of people out of poverty.

GARY LAWRENCE, Vice President and Officer in Charge of the viability of the company AECOM has considered it necessary to create a body that links between governments, the private sector and civil society. As long as there will not be, it will be difficult to solve the problems facing the world today, he argued. Mr. Lawrence then stressed the importance of sustainability in the industrial supply chain. In the future, only companies that focus on sustainability succeed in attracting and retaining the best workforce.

What are the challenges for the integration of these three dimensions? asked the Moderator.

The panelist said that on the definition of terms such as sustainability or viability presenting a challenge to overcome "inappropriate certainties." In the United States, many people are convinced that the fight against global problems such as climate change and the promotion of common goals such as sustainable development are in fact an infringement on individual liberties, he noted.

Noting the need to produce more food in the next 40 years than it has done for millennia, PHILIP DOBIE, Research Director of the World Agroforestry Centre, considered crucial to consider the issue and energy crops.Instead of continuing to go to the Ministry of Finance to remember that environmental degradation will be expensive, environmentalists had better explain to the department that the economic and social structures of a country performance could be improved through better management of the environment, he said. The electricity in Finland through forest products production exceeds that of Kenya, he noted, stressing that it is important to encourage farmers to plant more trees in order to enjoy a diversified source of sustainable resources. He cited, in this regard, the launch of a food security program in Malawi, established on the basis of agroforestry. "We thought planting trees, but we finally struggled against HIV / AIDS," he said, noting that the products of these trees had increased the source of vitamin A, which was used to immunize against transmission of HIV / AIDS from mother to child.

If Ms. Hunter Lovins, President of Natural Capitalism, focused on African solutions resulting from thousands of years of experience, the Minister of Agriculture of Liberia insisted instead on women's education, the priority excellence. For his part, Mr. Gary Lawrence highlighted the potential of urban agriculture can benefit from the experience of farmers who settled in the city. Recalling that take 200 years for 1 inch thick of agricultural land, PhilipDobie stressed the urgent need to ensure the sustainability of soil to avoid a point of no return.

In terms of partnerships and the role of ECOSOC, Ms. Lovins called for help promote the education of the population on good practices for sustainable agriculture. ECOSOC has a key role to play in establishing a link between commitments and their implementation on the ground role, Ms. Chenoweth said, before calling, too, ECOSOC to become involved in peacebuilding so that this question is at the center of all efforts to achieve economic and social development. Mr. Philip Dobie called the leaders of the ECOSOC to call more often scientists.

FELIX DODDS, former Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, saw the creation of a Committee of Experts on the financing of sustainable development, one of the greatest achievements of the Rio +20 Conference. He felt it was important not only to identify several options to enable developing countries to move forward, but also to set realistic action. Mr. Dodds was then warned that the impact of urbanization, increasing population, emerging economies, or climate change, may cause an increase in demand in the agricultural sector, and water that in energy. For Mr. Dobbs, should develop a program of development that is able to establish inter-and intra-links.

A failure of Rio +20, he noted, is that governments have failed to agree on the development of a global framework for reporting on sustainable development. Should agree on a unique process to make it easier for everyone, he suggested. Mr. Dodds has also stressed the importance of reviewing the issue of partnerships and focus on approaches that emphasize entrepreneurship. Mr. Dodds then noted that the three-dimensional printers could burst the bubble as Asian individuals can now create their own some of the products they consume. He also cited the example of the information that can be downloaded from the iTunes platform and the Google Healthsystem. These innovations have the potential to cause the loss of thousands of jobs, he warned. Mr. Dodds called, also the creation of an intergovernmental panel on sustainable development, the development of a unique mechanism that allows, he said, to all stakeholders to discuss challenges and to participate in decisions.

Interactive discussion with delegations

Economic decline, land, popular science, indigenous knowledge were among the issues raised during the discussions this afternoon at ECOSOC.

Initiating the discussion, the representative of India immediately noted that seven billion tonnes of food are wasted each year. Given this situation, is it really produce more or rather examine the issue of distribution and consumption patterns? The representative of the World Agroforestry Centre raised, meanwhile, the problem of waste reached "unacceptable" levels in developing countries.

The representative of Egypt addressed the issue of urban agriculture, while the representative of the International Trade Center (ITC) spoke of the importance of the link between investment and trade.

"The question that really arises is how to be competitive while remaining honest and leverage its investments," said panelist of AECOM, who cited the example of his company's investment in Africa also where competition is scarce.

He also noted that scientific language is not easily understood by most people who need to change their behavior. We must learn to better publicize the issues and the contribution of science to make everyone feel more involved, he recommended.

In turn, the representative of Honduras has raised issues related to lack of interest in the campaigns for youth. It also committed to further ECOSOC consider how best to disseminate information because, she noted, many countries such as his do not have the means to participate in all meetings.

The representative of a spiritual university then talked about farming practice "yogi" which was launched in India and combines meditation and agriculture to help improve both the well-being and performance.

His counterpart from Bolivia spoke of agricultural knowledge of indigenous peoples and the importance of tapping into the "wisdom" to sustainable agriculture.

Certainly, the President responded Natural Capitalism, which noted that under the law relating to intellectual property in the United States, companies can patent the knowledge of others. This is a true act of intellectual piracy, she denounced. She also drew attention to the problems associated with the purchase by the developed countries, large tracts of land in developing countries to meet their food needs. Humans Are the service of the economy, or is that the economy should be at the service of the human being? she asked.

Minister of Liberia, addressing the issue of land ownership, recalled that Liberia after 25 years of war, the issue has become a Pandora's box. The election of Helen Johnson-Sirleaf has done everything changed and now women and small farmers can acquire land or claim.

Continuing on the same subject, the representative of the World Agroforestry Centre noted that the rural exodus also gives rise to many problems of land ownership. He has also advised governments to ensure that there is no imbalance between what amounts to urban areas and what comes to rural areas.

Taking the floor, the president of Natural Capitalism urged ECOSOC to consider the concept of "gross national happiness" as advocated Bhutan, and as the basis of sustainable development. She also noted that the current economic system is not equipped to handle a world of zero growth and recommended to ECOSOC to hold a meeting with experts on the economic decline to better understand this issue.

Closing Remarks

The Assistant Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, said that sustainable development depended on the integration of social, economic and environmental dimensions. He said that policy makers need more before the science, technology and innovation to achieve the objectives of sustainable development and welcomed that this aspect has been well said today. Strengthen the link between science and
policy is essential for sustainable development, stressed the Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs to remember before that policy makers now need to be guided by the researchers, scientists, experts and academics.

"We need to have a single agenda for sustainable development, clear objectives and policy frameworks that allow us to achieve these objectives, supported by increased international cooperation," he said. It should also involve stakeholders and encourage companies to also be involved in post-conflict situations, because he said, governments can not, by themselves, do so. It should also invest in favor of sustainable agriculture to promote a win-win situation, which promotes inclusive growth and poverty reduction. He called on the Commission to strengthen peace (CCP) to ensure that the peace is integrated into all UN efforts in sustainable development. He felt that ECOSOC should serve as a link between governments, the UN, civil society, academia and the private sector to advance the development agenda beyond 2015.

For his part, the President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has welcomed the day of debate which has, he says, to identify priorities and to hear the presentation of initiatives may contribute to the adoption of a clearer approach to sustainable development. "We are forging what should be the ˝ ˝ future we want," insisted Mr. Osorio, adding that the interactive discussion also exchange valuable experiences which serve as inspiration for integration of social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, focusing on sustainable energy and agriculture. The program we are working on is to imagine what will be done after 2015 and to rethink the development model of the shift to make it more durable. The ideas that emerge from these meetings are an integration step and useful elements for the substantive session of July, which will be held this year in Geneva.


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