Guest blog: 100,000 new micro industries to be created over the next two decades -What future industry will you be working in 10 years from now?

Guest blog by Futurist Thomas Frey - republished from LinkedIn here . Thomas Frey is Keynote Speaker, Sr Futurist DaVinci Institute, Editor, & Innovations Editor THE FUTURIST Magazine and author of “ Epiphany Z – 8 Radical Visions for Transforming Your Future ” Every major industry today was started as a micro industry. Everything from steel, to photography, oil, airlines, electricity, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, and search engines all worked their way into existence from a tiny starting point. Many of the oldest ones like steel, automotive, and pharmaceuticals took centuries to grow into the massive global industries they are today. But those created with digital technologies like search engines and smart phones sprang to life in only a few years. Countless businesses are already feeling the first waves of disruption as industry veterans are hoping to navigate the turbulent waters ahead. As always, it much easier to visualize what goes away than w...