Sign the Bridge to Busan: Declaration on Primary Plastic Polymers

 We, the undersigned members of the intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) and those concerned about the many harms of plastic pollution to human health and the environment, are committed to ending plastic pollution worldwide. 

Sign here 

We reaffirm the mandate of United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) Resolution 5/14 to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full lifecycle of plastics.

We emphasize that the full lifecycle of plastics includes the production of primary plastic polymers.

Studies show that the world cannot achieve its goals of ending plastic pollution and limiting global average temperature rise to less than 1.5° Celsius if the unsustainable production of primary plastic polymers is not addressed.

Left unaddressed, production of primary plastic polymers is projected to increase exponentially through 2050 and could overwhelm national waste management and recycling programs, even after significant improvements supported by the new instrument.

Addressing the unsustainable production of primary plastic polymers is not only essential to ending plastic pollution worldwide; it also represents one of the most efficient and cost-effective approaches to managing the plastic pollution problem.

Moreover, a balancing of efforts across the full lifecycle of plastics—from production and design through waste management and remediation—is necessary to equitably distribute the overall burden of efforts shared among countries, each of which must contribute to achieving the collective goals of the new instrument.

For these reasons, we call on members to

COMMIT to achieve sustainable levels of production of primary plastic polymers. This includes ensuring production matches ambitions for a circular economy for plastics, while aligning with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5°C.

ENSURE transparency in the production of primary plastic polymers.  This includes reporting of data on the production of primary plastic polymers to close information gaps, assess progress and inform priorities.

AGREE to a global objective regarding the sustainable production of primary plastic polymers. This may include production freezes at specified levels, production reductions against agreed baselines, or other agreed constraints to prevent the unsustainable production of primary plastic polymers.

Bridge to Busan: Declaration on Primary Plastic Polymers



Countries - Australia, Austria, Belgium, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Chile, Cook Islands, Denmark, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, France, Georgia, Grenada, Guinea, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malawi, Mauritius, Moldova, Monaco, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Rwanda, Senegal, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Sweden, Switzerland, The Kingdom of the Netherlands, The Philippines, Vanuatu,

Stakeholders - ACT Health Promotion, A Plastic Planet, Algramo, Archdiocese Manila Ministry on Ecology, Armenian Women for Health & Healthy Environment, CEJAD Kenya, Center for Biological Diversity, Chumbe Island Coral Park (CHICOP) Ltd, Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), Cleaner Seas Project, Common Seas, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Environmental Investigation Agency, Fondation Tara Ocean, Global Plastics Policy Centre, University of Portsmouth, Global Youth and Sustainability Organisation, Green Transformation and Sustainability Network, InfinArt, Institute for Energy & Climate Strategies, MarViva, Monterey Bay Aquarium, No More Butts, Objectif Zéro Plastique, OceanCare, OceanKita, Ocean. Now! PlasticFree, Plastic Health Council, Plastic Soup Foundation, Polish Zero Waste Association, S-EnPol Company, Ltd., Sciaena, TESS (Forum on Trade, Environment & the SDGs), The Pew Charitable Trusts, Trash Hero World, WWF, Yunus Thailand


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