Climate change, a divided America, and the need for sustainability policy

Guest blog by Ira Feldman and Matt Polsky (Ira Feldman is former Special Counsel at US EPA headquarters who has led sustainability and climate initiatives in law, policy, standards, politics and academia over the last 20 years. Matt Polsky is a New Jersey-based sustainability change agent and a Ph.D. student in Sustainability at Erasmus University in The Netherlands.) The U.S. has just dodged a democracy-kill shot with the election of a new President, but we still have immensely difficult problems to solve. Two of the major ones are climate change and the mutual despise often present between those who intensely disagree about politics and values. Our sense is that we can’t solve one without addressing the other – and we may not get another chance at this. COVID-19 has changed the world, unexpectedly giving us a rare opportunity to do things very differently. We need to gear ourselves to think differently, and sustainability can provide us with an overarching, guiding ...