Video of ConnectAID SDG Book Launch "Tomorrow's People and New Technology"

Gaelle ConnectAID organized their first SDG Book Corner launching the new book “Tomorrow's People and New Technology” by Felix Dodds, Carolina Duque Chopitea, and Ranger Ruffins. The video can be watched here. Ysa and Gaëlle interviewed Carolina Duque Chopitea and Felix Dodds. As we witness a series of social, political, cultural, and economic changes/disruptions this book examines the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the way emerging technologies are impacting our lives and changing society. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterised by the emergence of new technologies that are blurring the boundaries between the physical, the digital, and the biological worlds. This book allows readers to explore how these technologies will impact peoples’ lives by 2030. It helps readers to not only better understand the use and implications of emerging technologies, but also to imagine how their individual life will be shaped by them. Ysa The book provides an opportun...