The European Economic and Social Council Confernce Go Sustainable Be Responsible opening panel with Felix Dodds Executive Director, Brice Lalonde , Exeuctive Coordinator for Rio+20, Staffan Nilsson EESC President and Janez Potcnik Commissioner for Environment European Commissioner. I called for: " I would like to echo that call by a quote from a different time about a different issue but which rings so clear today for our challenges. Senator Robert Kennedy in April 1968 said: “A revolution is coming— a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough. But a revolution is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability”. For Rio let us choose to work together for a world that is built on sustainable societies, responsive citizens and accountable governments.
Showing posts from February, 2012
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Part of a European tour starting with the first stop Paris for the French government conference: 'Towards a new Global Governance' on the 31st of January. Other speakers included the French Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet , the great Danish Minister Ida Auken . Her uncle Svend Auken was also environment Minister and helped get WSSD off the ground. Brice Lalonde Executive Coordinator Rio+20 , Andre Correa de Lago Rio+20 Brazilian Ambassador and Cherif Rahmani Algerian Minister of the Environment. The event looked at the idea of upgrading the UNEP into a World Environmental Organization and the creation of a Sustainable Development Council of the UN General Assembly. In my presentation i supported both and the call by industry for a Convention on Corporate Sustainability. The Dutch Platform for Rio+20 invited me to address a Rio+20 event (February 2nd 2012). Chairing is the Dutch Ambassador for Sustainable Development Kitty Vander Haijden. The...