Note from UNDESA on UN HLPF 2021

Dear colleagues, Please find enclosed the latest announcements and advocacy opportunities in preparation for the 2021 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. The blue navigation bar on the 2021 HLPF website includes a Stakeholders segment. All information contained in these update emails will be available there. The vast majority of advocacy opportunities at the HLPF involve nomination processes which commence with the Major Groups and other Stakeholders. Please see the sub-section dedicated to How to Participate . If you would like to join one of the Major Groups and other Stakeholders, you can find contact details in the same Stakeholders section of the website under Introduction . For ease of reference in future update emails, any future headings containing new information will be marked with [update] , whereas upcoming deadlines will be marked as [final call] . HLPF HLPF 2021 will be held from ...