
Showing posts from July, 2022

Negotiation of Global Biodiversity Agreement will Resume at Special Three Day Meeting in Montreal, Dec. 3 - 5, Immediately Prior to COP15, Dec. 7 - 19

  Media advisory from the CBD Negotiation of Global Biodiversity Agreement will Resume at Special Three-Day Meeting in Montreal, Dec. 3 - 5, Immediately Prior to COP15, Dec. 7 - 19 5th session will tackle issues remaining on Global Biodiversity Framework to safeguard nature, scheduled for approval at COP15 A special three-day meeting to advance an ambitious Global Biodiversity Framework agreement to bend the curve on nature loss will take place in Montreal 3-5 December. It will be the world community's 5th meeting to negotiate the agreement's outline, goals and targets, which will be considered for adoption immediately thereafter during the 15th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. COP15, chaired by China, now scheduled 7-19 Dec. in Montreal, Canada. A high-level segment of the conference will take place 13- 15 Dec. Said Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity: “The 4th negotiating session in Nairobi i


  ROLE OF SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY IN ACHIEVING THE SDGS: POTENTIAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION     The purpose of this side event is to socialize the social and solidarity economy and its role in achieving the SDGs. Getting on track to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs and realizing a resilient, inclusive and sustainable recovery from the covid-19 pandemic will not happen through a business-as-usual approach. There is need to identify alternative economic models that can accelerate their achievement. Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is such a model, especially considering its different roles: Transformative agent of change : A growing interest among development practitioners, academics, activists and policy makers in forms of economy that are “people-centred and planet-sensitive” has positioned SSE as a significant element in transformative change and achieving the SDGs. In fact, as a source and means of sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth and full

Book launch of Heroes of Environmental Diplomacy - a book that can help you explain to your family what you do :-)

On Wednesday the 13th of July. Heroes of Envirobmental Diplomacy - Profiles in Courage was launched. It can be viewed on facebook here . It can be bought on amazon here . The event was opened by Mayer Nasser t he Director of the Outreach Division in the United Nations Department of Global Communications. It was moderated by  Chantal Line Carpentier  who currently serves as Chief, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) New York office of the Secretary-General.  The speakers at the launch were Felix Dodds (co-editor and who wrote on the hero Maurice Strong ), Irena Zubcevic (who wrote on the hero Paula Caballero ) ,  and Patrick Ramage (who wrote on the hero  Sidney Holt )  Here is Felix's comments at the book launch: I am only one part of the team that put this book together the other part is Chris Spence unfortunately in New Zealand and so couldn’t join us. This book is his inspiration and he hassled me to come along for the ride which to begin with I