Guest blog: Multi-stakeholder partnerships: why they matter and how to get them right

Susanne Salz wrote this article in her private capacity. The article does not necessarily reflect the views of Partnerships2030 or GIZ. Susanne and the whole Partnerships2030 team is happy to advise and discuss on all issues around multi-stakeholder partnerships for the 2030 Agenda, as well as providing links to (resources by) experienced practitioners and experts. If humanity is to implement the 2030 Agenda and reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) , many stakeholders have to take action. It is widely agreed that national governments as well as businesses and civil society organizations (CSOs) are important actors in making the necessary transformative change happen. That creates a large, heterogeneous group with great potential for impact based on diverse resources, skills and experiences. Yet there is little attention, clarity or consensus on the roles of the different stakeholders or about how they can best work together. What can different stakeholders con...