Resources from the Climate Change Capacity Building workshop for UNFCCC Bonn (June) and Dubai (Dec) held on the 10th May

On the 10th of May a capacity building workshop was held by Felix Dodds Director, RMWSSS and author) and Chris Spence (consultant on sustainable development and author) to help with the upcoming UNFCCC preparatory meetings SB58 in Bonn in June (5-15th) and the COP28 in Dubai in November/December. (30-12th) 

The workshop covered.

  • Short history of climate change.
  • UNFCCC Constituted bodies.
  • Key outcomes and what wasn't agreed at COP27.
  • How the UNFCCC prepares - Bonn June 2023.
  • Key players for the UNFCCC.
  • Why and how stakeholders engage at the UNFCCC.
  • Case study of a campaign.
  • COP 28 – What does it look like?
  • COP 28 – What are the issues?
  • COP28 Presidency Priorities.
  • Key issues.
  • Beyond the Negotiations.
  • A few other issues.

 A recording, transcript and the power point can be found here. 


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