Climate Action on Travel and Tourism




Dear Michael (Felix)

WELCOME to the 15th edition of eXist the monthly e-bulletin
SUNx Malta


 “Climate Action 2023” 


Another Year Passes - Progress in so many small ways - a record number of Tourism Climate Reports - an arguably successful Climate COP, with a Methane Control Agreement and some movement on the Climate Fund for the poorest countries transformation.  Plus a distinctively successful Biodiversity COP agreeing 30% of earth to be protected by 2030 - Long Term Aviation target in ICAO, with IATA and a collective focus on accelerating SAF. Plus a new Tourism TPCC inspired by the IPCC, to better face up to science based metrics.  But the relentless increase in Tourism GHG emissions, halted by the Pandemic, has picked up again.

We are still way behind the Paris 1.5 curve. We can do better and respond to the IPCC call for Emissions to peak in 2025.

We’ve launched a new initiative to help the world’s poorest countries, who are  most at risk, by co-creating a fund to educate their next generation in Climate Friendly Travel. And to do it in a totally innovative way (Click here for more)



FLASH NEWS Latest CFT Podcast. Listen to Ged Brown (LowSeason Traveller) chat with ETC Executive Director Eduardo Santander on “Why We Must Do More”


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