UNFCCC List of calls for submissions from the sessions in Sharm el-Sheikh - dates for submissions








Sharm el-Sheikh mitigation ambition and implementation work program work programme

Parties, observers and other non-Party stakeholders to submit suggested topics in line with the scope of the work programme referred to in paragraph

4 of FCCC/PA/CMA/2022/L.17, para. 12 to be discussed under the dialogues


para. 12

1 February 2023 and every year


Parties, observers and other non-Party stakeholders to submit their views on opportunities, best practices, actionable solutions, challenges and barriers relevant to the topics of the dialogues referred to in paragraph 13 of



para 14

Four weeks before each dialogue




Guidance on cooperative approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement and

in decision 2/CMA.3

Parties to test the draft version of the agreed electronic format contained in

annex VII and to provide feedback via the submission portal


para. 2

30 April 2023

Parties to submit views on options for the recommendations referred to in paragraphs 16–17 of FCCC/PA/CMA/2022/L.15 for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice prior to its Fifty-eighth

session, in relation to paragraphs 16(a) and 17



paras 15 a) and 15 b)

Open (Prior to SBSTA 58)

Parties to submit views on options for the recommendations referred to in paragraphs 16–17 of FCCC/PA/CMA/2022/L.15 for consideration by the

Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice prior to its Sixtieth session (June 2024), in relation to paragraph 16(b)

Open (Prior to SBSTA 60)

Parties to submit their views on potential challenges in the preparation of the

reporting on elements listed in the initial report


para. 19





Guidance on the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement

Parties and admitted observer organizations to submit, their views on the matters referred to in paragraph 9 of FCCC/PA/CMA/2022/L.14, and requests the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report on the submissions for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice

at its fifty-eighth session (June 2023)


para. 10

15 March 2023

Parties and admitted observer organizations to submit their views on activities involving removals, including appropriate monitoring, reporting, accounting for removals and crediting periods, addressing reversals, avoidance of leakage, and avoidance of other negative environmental and social impacts, in addition to the activities referred to in chapter V of the

rules, modalities and procedure


para. 19

15 March 2023


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