Want to get involved with Stockholm+50?

Stockholm+50 will be held 2-3 June 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden, to commemorate the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment and celebrate 50 years of global environmental action. By recognizing the importance of multilateralism in tackling the Earth’s triple planetary crisis – climate, nature, and pollution – the event aims to act as a springboard to accelerate the implementation of the UN Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, including the 2030 Agenda, Paris Agreement on climate change, the post-2020 global Biodiversity Framework, and encourage the adoption of green post-COVID-19 recovery plans.

The Towards Stockholm+50 project is a joint initiative by Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future and Forum for utvikling og miljø (the Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment) ForUM. A stakeholder-led initiative funded by the United Nations Environment Program’s Civil Society Unit with support from the Government of Sweden, Towards Stockholm+50’s mission is to engage the widest audience of non-state actors – globally – to inform them about the legacy of 50 years of implementing environmental policies with a series of lectures and other resources. Well-informed stakeholders can then be fully engaged to plan, prepare, implement, and follow up on the Stockholm+50 conference.

In addition to the official process of the Major Groups coordination on their joint statements led by the Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC), there are additional Regional Consultation meetings. Jointly organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), they aim to engage a broad range of stakeholder groups. Known as the UNEP/UNDP Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs) initiative, this effort will organise a series of regional multi-stakeholder consultations for Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, West Asia, and Europe. The outcomes will be collected and will be the basis for the Peoples’ Environmental Narrative.

Those regional consultations will take place virtually during April and May 2022 using the KUDO multilingual web conferencing platform. To see the framing questions for these national and regional consultations, click here.

Visit the Towards Stockholm+50 website for the dates and content of the webinars and related Stockholm+50 events.

To contact the Towards Stockholm+50 team directly, email us at info@towardstockholm50.org


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