Podcast interview with Felix Dodds - on the climate change process leading up to the Glasgow Climate Change (recorded in June)

An interview by  Lauren Eastwood with Felix Dodds on 'Cooperadio Radio' on the upcoming Glasgow Climate Summit. What are the issues? How do stakeholders engage?  Interview with Felix Dodds - Cooperadio invites people on a journey through the fascinating world of global cooperation research. Episode 7  is the one which Felix speaks on. The episodes features voices, opinions and research that address the multitude of global challenges that we are dealing with as inhabitants of a deeply globalized world - from the climate emergency, the challenges of global migration, the multitude of old and new conflicts, all the way to the digital revolution. All these transboundary problems have one thing in common: They cannot be overcome by singular actors from nations states alone and therefore call for global cooperation!

invites you on a journey through the fascinating world of global cooperation research. Each episode features voices, opinions and research that address the multitude of global challenges that we are dealing with as inhabitants of a deeply globalized world - from the climate emergency, the challenges of global migration, the multitude of old and new conflicts, all the way to the digital revolution.  All these transboundary problems have one thing in common: They cannot be overcome by singular actors from nations states alone and therefore call for global cooperation! Cooperadio invites you on a journey through the fascinating world of global cooperation research. Each episode features voices, opinions and research that address the multitude of global challenges that we are dealing with as inhabitants of a deeply globalized world - from the climate emergency, the challenges of global migration, the multitude of old and new conflicts, all the way to the digital revolution. All these transboundary problems have one thing in common: They cannot be overcome by singular actors from nations states alone and therefore call for global cooperation!


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