The agenda for the Glasgow Climate Summit

downloadable here 
October Sunday 31st: Procedural Opening of Negotiations

November 1st and November 2nd: World Leaders Summit - Welcoming world leaders to COP to put forward high level ambition and action towards securing global net zero and keeping 1.5 degrees in reach; adaptation to protect communities and natural habitat; mobilising finance

November 3rd Wednesday: Finance - Mobilising public and private finance flows at scale for mitigation and adaption

November 4th Thursday:  Energy - Accelerating the global transition to clean energy

November 5th Friday: Youth and Public Empowerment - Elevating the voice of young people and demonstrating the critical role of public empowerment and education in climate action

November 6th Saturday: Nature - Ensuring the importance of nature and sustainable land use are part of global action on climate change and a clean green recovery

November 7th Sunday: Rest day ahead of second week of negotiations

November 8th Monday: Adaptation and Loss and Damage - Delivering the practical solution needed to adapt to climate impacts and address loss and damage

November 9th Tuesday: Gender - Progressing gender equality and the full and meaningful participation of women and girls in climate change 

November 9th Tuesday: Science and Innovation - Demonstrating that science and innovation can deliver climate change solutions to meet and accelerate increased ambition

November 10th Wednesday: Transport - Driving the global transition to zero emission transport

November 11th Thursday: Cities, Regions and Built Environment - Advancing action in the places we live, from communities, through to cities and regions.

November 12th Friday: Closure of Negotiations 


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