Guest blog - Update on Glasgow Climate COP logistics July 5th

Glasgow Climate COP Update by 
Yunus Arikan Director of Global Advocacy ● ICLEI World Secretariat

  1. As of 1 July 2021, neither the UNFCCC Secretariat nor UK COP26 Presidency have announced any official documents, neither on COP26 Logistics (including capacity and layout of the COP26 Blue Zone), nor on the specific modalities for the engagement of Observers including LGMA Constituency at COP26 in-person and virtual events.
  2. UNFCCC announced that UNFCCC managed exhibits in the Blue Zone will be virtual, but UNFCCC managed side events are announced as in-person (subject to further COP26 Updates), and applications are closed by 2 July 2021. (“UNFCCC managed” indicates that physical and virtual platforms will be provided for free by the UNFCCC Secretariat and eligible applications will be selected by the UNFCCC Secretariat.) Meanwhile, applications of interested Parties and UNFCCC Accredited Observer organizations for the COP26 Blue Zone Office Delegation and Pavilion Spaces to be managed by the UK COP26 Presidency Contracted Company are closed by 2 July 2021 as well. 
  3. On 28 June 2021, the UNFCCC Secretariat informed Parties and Observers on the offer of the UK COP26 Presidency for COVID-19 Vaccines to COP26 Delegations as well as the FAQ on UK COP26 Presidency Delegations Vaccination Offer is released. Further information on details of this offer is also presented at the briefing of UK COP26 Presidency to the UK Parliament on 23 June 2021, including that COVID-19 vaccination will not be compulsory for attendance to COP26. The following calendar will apply;

    • By 14 July, UNFCCC Accredited Observer Organizations will send their nomination list for UK COP26 Presidency COVID-19 Vaccination Offer. 
    • On 16 July, the UNFCCC Secretariat will announce COVID-19 Vaccination Offer Quotas for UNFCCC Accredited Observer Organization.
    • By 23 July, UNFCCC Accredited Observer Organizations will confirm the names of their delegations that will benefit from the UK COP26 Presidency COVID-19 Vaccination Offer, based on the quota announced by the UNFCCC Secretariat.
    • Between 2-31 August, UNFCCC Accredited Observer Organizations will send their nomination list for UK COP26 Blue Zones.  Nevertheless, the UNFCCC Secretariat “encourages” Observers to communicate their COP26 Blue Zone Delegation nominations as early as possible, including during the period of Vaccination Offer, even if these nominations will not apply for UK COP26 Vaccine Offer. (in practical terms “encourage” implies that the [relevant action] “can” be done, but will not be a problem if it is “not done”)
    • On 6 September, the UNFCCC Secretariat will announce COP26 Blue Zone Quotas for UNFCCC Accredited Observer Organizations and from that moment onwards, UNFCCC Accredited Observer Organizations nominated COP26 delegations will start to receive their COP26 Blue Zone Acknowledgement Letters and COP26 UK Visa Support Letters.

4. However, the official UK COP26 Presidency Vaccination Offer announcement does not contain any specific information on;



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