
Showing posts from July, 2021

Guest blog - Update on Glasgow Climate Summit preparations and CBD

Guest blog by Yunus Arikan Director of Global Advocacy ● ICLEI World Secretariat - Local Governments for Sustainability  On 27 July, the day after the COP26 July Ministerial, UK COP26 President Designate Alok Sharma convened a meeting with 9 Constituency Focal Points. The meeting aimed to have a frank discussion on the COP26 logistics and an exchange of information on the vision for an "inclusive climate action" which is one of the key priorities of UK COP26 Presidency.   At the beginning, CPD Alok Sharma provided a basic overview on the highlights and outcomes of COP26 July Ministerial. Official communication from UK COP26 Presidency regarding the COP26 July Ministerial is available here -  Ministers have renewed common mission for climate action, but more work to do says COP26 President - GOV.UK (   After hearing the questions and concerns raised by numerous CFPs, CPD Alok Sharma acknowledged the challenges and difficulties that Constituencies a...

Guest blog on Risk Thinking

Dr. Ron Dembo is an academic, successful, entrepreneur and consultant to the some of the world’s largest corporations and banks. He has had a distinguished academic research career as a professor of Operations Research and Computer Science at Yale University and as well as a visiting professor at MIT. He was the Founder and CEO of Algorithmics Incorporated, growing it organically from a startup to the world’s largest enterprise risk-management software company, with offices in fifteen countries, over 70% of the world’s top 100 banks as clients, and consistent recognition as one of Canada’s 50 best-managed companies. Algorithmics was sold to Fitch in 2005 and later to IBM in 2012. Risk Thinking is a book about codifying common sense in a world of radical uncertainty. Our brains are wired to think forward, to imagine future situations and to plan for the unknown. It’s an ability engrained in our genetic software but somehow lost in translation to a globalized society where corporations a...

Climate Friendly Travel to Zero flagship initiative, aligned with the UN Race to Zero.

Guest blog by SUNx: On World Environment Day, SUNx Malta announced its Climate Friendly Travel to Zero flagship initiative,   aligned with the UN Race to Zero .  Based on the latest science, a  2050 target of Zero Greenhouse Gas ( GHG)   is the minimum   ultimately needed  to beat the existential Climate Crisis. By advocating a Z ero GHG 2050 target  we take the direct line to the UN Paris 1.5 goal.  Starting now . However, recognizing  net carbon neutral  is today’s norm, within the SUNx Malta Climate Friendly Travel to Zero framework, we will work with companies and communities via our  CFT Registry  and through  Strong Climate Champions , to help them develop Sustainability and Climate Plans that transform over time from Net Zero Carbon to Absolute Zero GHG. Professor Geoffrey Lipman said:  “Science tells us we have almost reached 1.2o towards the Paris Agreement’s targets t...

Front runner to be the new head of UNICEF?

So the news of Henrietta Fore early departure as Executive Director of UNICEF two years before her term is up allows President Biden to nominate a new head of UNICEF. Traditionally the  head of UNICEF has come from the United States and that is highly likely to continue. The rumor in Washington is that the front runner for President Biden to nominate is Catherine M. Russell . She served as chief of staff  for the second lady-elect Jill Biden (2009 - 2013). She then became the United States Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues (2013-2017).  An extract from one of her last speeches in that position: "The Peace Corps is also a critical component—their volunteers are fostering community-based solutions to empower adolescent girls. The State Department has worked to develop the policy framework of Let Girls Learn. And we’re supporting our diplomats who address this issue in the field. We’re working with our embassies and missions around the world to ensure they have ...

New Webinar Recording Available: Governance of disasters risk reduction and resilience to boost the sustainable development goals – An HLPF Side Event

 Guest blog  BY   CHARLES NOUHAN   · On July 6, 2021, 18:00-19:30 EDT, as part of the 2021   United Nations High-level Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)   in New York (the HLPF), Stakeholder Forum and   Re-Energize DR3 ,  with partners University College London, the University of Ghana, the University of Mauritius, and the University of North Carolina, held an HLPF Side Event entitled: Governance of disasters risk reduction and resilience to boost the sustainable development goals A RECORDING OF THAT SIDE EVENT CAN BE FOUND ON THE   STAKEHOLDER FORUM WEBINARS PAGE  AND  HERE .  THE PRESENTATIONS, A SINGLE PDF FILE,   HERE ,  AND RELEVANT CONTENT FROM THE WEBINAR CHATBOX CAN BE FOUND  HERE . Moderated by  Monica Boham,  Minister-Counsellor,   The Permanent Mission of Ghana to the United Nations About the Side Event:  The Sustainable Development Goals recognize the critical role that the i...

Guest blog: UN called to do more to support the world’s pastoralist peoples to help meet the Sustainable Development Goals

Guest blog: Maryam Niamir-Fuller  Highlights of a side event — Sustainable pastoralism and rangelands: Impacts of COVID-19 and how not to leave them behind in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — held at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development on 6 July 2021 and organized by the Government of Mongolia and the International Support Group for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP). Ambassador Enkhbold Vorshilov , the Permanent Representative of Mongolia to the United Nations, opened the side event and called on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to bring innovative and integrated solutions for pastoralists and rangelands, which have largely been left behind. Rangelands cover 54% of the Earth’s landmass, stated Iain Wright , Deputy Director General of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), drawing on a recently released Rangeland Atlas that has advanced knowledge of the full extent of range...

Glasgow Climate COP and China Biodiversity COP updates

Guest Blog: Glasgow Climate COP Update by  Yunus Arikan  Director of Global Advocacy ICLEI World Secretariat. ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. 1- UK COP26 Presidency Vaccination Offer:  Building on the previously announced calendar, the UNFCCC Secretariat is inviting accredited observer organizations to confirm, before 23 July, the names of those who wish to apply for the UK COP26 Presidency Vaccination Offer, within the quotas confirmed by 16 July. Numerous concerns are being publicly announced by various stakeholders through media commentaries such as by IIED from LDC perspective or Climate Action Network from environmental groups perspectives . Meanwhile, as of 19 July new COVID-1...

UK government expectations for the Glasgow Climate Summit - being addressed at July Ministerial

This is the annex to a letter to member states by The Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP COP President on Glasgow expectations Annex - Expectations for COP26 & July Ministerial Discussion Questions The Presidency has heard from Parties and groups on their expectations for a Glasgow outcome that addresses the various ambition gaps - within and outside the negotiated outcome - finalises the Paris Rulebook, and leaves no issues behind. This note sets out the common themes that have been raised; to assist discussions at the July Ministerial and to help guide us towards a successful outcome in Glasgow that keeps 1.5°C within reach. Protecting people and nature from the impacts of climate change Enhancing adaptation action and support must be at the heart of the Glasgow package. In addition to delivering on the full set of adaptation-related mandates for COP26, we have heard the need to clearly reflect the priority that must be placed on adaptation. Parties have raised the need to discuss the ...

Major Groups and Other Stakeholders STATEMENT ON THE 2021 MINISTERIAL DECLARATION

Note from Felix: For those who did not watch the adoption of the High Level Political Forum Ministerial  Declaration yesterday - it was painful. Below you will find a very balanced and from my perspective accurate analysis by the Major Groups and Other Stakeholders. I would add a couple of points having watched the  adoption session which had to vote on 4 amendments/ deletions as well as countries taking reservations on certain paragraphs. The lack of physical meetings with stakeholders participating reduces ambition and pressure on governments to agree strong commitments. The HLPF is not Fit for Purpose we have been here before in 2010-2012 with its predecessor the UN Commission on Sustainable Development. Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development was one of the two main themes for Rio+20 which created the HLPF and UNEA. Stakeholder Forum hosted a 'Pop-Up' event at the 2020 HLPF SDG 2030 Series Report No. 1 – ‘The Future of the High-level Political Forum: Fit for Pu...