Guest blog by Yunus Arikan - All the G7 communique's in one place

Guest blog from Yunus Arikan, Director of Global Advocacy ICLEI World Secretariat

 G7 Summit: The outcomes og G7 Summit are available through the below links: 

It can be noted that the enhanced engagement and leadership of the G7 in the global multilateralism through the 2021 Summit was welcome by many stakeholders. However, the commitments, in terms of climate finance, vaccine equity and coal phase-out were particularly fell short of the expectations considering the scale and urgency of actions as well as historic responsibilities and capabilities of G7 nations. It has to be further noted that some of the languages for commitments in the Communique G7 Finance and/or Environment Ministers have been relatively softened or ignored in the G7 Summit documents which prove the challenges of engagement and/or prioritization of such issues at the Heads of State/Government level, considering some other domestic or global issues such as Brexit or relations with China dominated most of the media attention.  And finally, as of today, G7 process has still not recognized the U7 Initiative led by Core Cities UK and other partners as the outcome of the U7 Urban Summit held on 9 June.


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