International Model Citizens’ Assembly - Sunday 6 June @ 19.00 GMT

Dreams vs. the Art of the Possible

JOIN US online via Zoom on Sunday 6 June @ 19.00GMT

This International Model Citizens’ Assembly explores the priority Actions agreed at our 1st IMCA on April 25th. (See below). The purpose of this second IMCA is to get government, UN, business, youth and NGO Expert Witnesses to review them and determine which have a prayer of being achieved at the Glasgow COP and which should remain in the realm of fantasy? You, the jury and audience, will then determine how far you agree with the experts and reach your own conclusions about which priorities to take forward in our shared advocacy for COP-26 at Glasgow.  

voluntary At the Assembly you will –

  • Listen to 5-6 minute presentations from the Expert Witnesses
  • Learn – put your questions / priorities to them; they will answer, discuss and debate them 
  • Deliberate – discuss and prioritise what you know and what you have learned from the witnesses
  • Decide – first the Jury, then the Audience, will vote for their top priority actions for Glasgow In an online poll


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