Guest blog: UN-SDGs – Addressing the biggest global Challenges – With simple solution (SDG 4.7 & SDG 16.a) to save people and this planet

Guest blog by Ajay Singh: Ajay is 
Cultivating contemporary ideologies for Global Peace ! Peace Ambassador. WORLDWIDE PEACE ORGANIZATION ( Promoting SDG 4.7 targeting SDG 16.a for the success of UN- SDGs by time

“There can be no sustainable development without peace (SDG 4.7 & SDG 16.a) and no peace without sustainable developments.”

Presently, United Nations Sustainable goals is an essential need of this contemporary world that we do
need for the betterment of our future generation on this planet, but presence of racism,
radicalization, political collisions and war are creating basis for worldwide humanitarian crisis that
adversely impacts every aspects of our social and economical developmental efforts. It means we are
only dedicated for “Peace through prosperity” ignoring the ideologies for “prosperity through peace”,
so the achievements of scientific insight are resurrecting beyond the process of Nature, and the graces
of humanity are descending to a dangerous abyss, making the implementation of SDGs patchy so far.

What is the solution in actual fact?

In fact, it is impossible for any individual organization or political, professional and scientific
insights to overcome the perils that would destroy this planet more than our imagination. Thus we will
have to look beyond the perception of this current human race divided by several political and
religious strictures, to unite the global community making the SDGs a household word. Although it
appears impossible, in actual fact it is possible through the “go-between” the basic potential of
literature, following the core value of SDG 4.7, to crystallize the progress of SDGs through academic

“Educating the mind, without educating the heart is no education at all.” -Aristotle

Now it is only the graces of literature that could educate the mind and heart together. There is no
doubt that the greatest aspect of literature is that it enthralls our mind and spirit from childhood to
the end of our lives. It is a major part of our intellectual heritage, as important as our scientific
and professional insights; it influences our inherited system of thoughts and throws into relief our
genetic nature. Always literature had been the treasure house of wisdom that guides human conscience
towards final home whatever our faith directs us.

Presently conscience of our young generation between 10 to 24 ages is lethally vulnerable, being used
in all form of violence and it is the biggest global challenge that needs a “unanimous conclusion” to
accelerate the academic sources to educate our children to overcome the compartmentalized of technical and policy work by promoting integrated approaches to the interconnected economic and social challenges confronting the world. In fact, all the 17 goals and its 169 associated targets are interlinked, but the efforts to achieve the goals are fragmented, making the SDGs a tool for unjust political or unfair professional beneficence. Now immediately we will have to look straightforward to encourage the young generation for global unison and integrated actions by offering clear guidance to approach the SDGs in a practical and proper way.

More than that, the gap and difference between languages, culture and norms of the religious teachings
are providing the safe ground for the business of racism and radicalization that exacerbate the basis
of war and terrorism according to their own political stances and positions hindering the progress of
SDGs. There is no doubt, till now we are only destroying the embodiment of terrorism, ignoring it
brutal ideology invincible befor the world’s leadership and all the leading religious teachers
struggling with the ensign of peace and cultural diversity. Presently in these circumstances the
world’s money and gun power are not potential enough to combat the sources of racism and radicalization that conceal their sins behind religious narcissism. It means now it’s the time to represent the history of humankind on Earth within scientific insight to prove that the definitions of all the
leading world religions are based on their contemporary needs, to help human being to evolve under
Natural process on basis of peace and solidarity, not to rule over the people from other community or
sect and the religious sanctity is not a subject to obtain the narcissus and terrestrial bliss among
the rot of massacre.

These are authentic facts that cannot be ignored at any cost, thereafter, it had been always lethal to
write or address in favor or against the institutionalized faith of human being divided by several
religious and political strictures. So the world community needs an innovation of intellectual power
(literature) to redefine the conscience of our young generation that enthralled in mazes of inherited
religious and political thoughts, terrestrial glamour and the lethal aspects of frustration, while
developing their scientific and professional skills. This is what we mean is the definition of “UN-SDG
4.7”, the only one way to help the world community to achieve the “UN-SDG16.a” as an essential need to speed up the progress of 2030 Agenda.

Presently the novels and literature of great authors from all around the world that recommended for
“unabridged school edition” mostly navigates the conscience of the new generation to an elusive world
that is out of their imagination to advance the cultural diversity that we do need to build a “fairer
world”. No doubt, it represents the great ideologies that related to past and present situation, but
without a proper solution that we do need to advance the cultural diversity in actual fact. It serves
as an entertainment for moral advancement within a limit and also helps the students to develop their
communication skills. Here what we need is an extension of that idea by developing the graces of
literature for both entertainment and enlightenment, to build trust among all cultures and norms, as we
do need to advance the cultural diversity to contribute for the success of all sustainable development

( Note - I have designed the blueprint of the said aspect of literature and seeking to share it with
any academia or organization that dedicated to advance the core value of SDG 4.7 and SDG 16.a, to
crystallize the progress of SDGs through academic sources. Thank You. you can contact me here:  )


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