Launch of the SUNx Malta Climate Friendly Travel Registry for 2050 Climate Neutral & Sustainability Ambitions Friday 25th September 10am EST - NEw York Climate Week
This Friday, 25th September, at 10am EST, we will launch our Climate Friendly Travel Registry for 2050 Climate Neutral & Sustainability Ambitions in partnership with the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA). It is a virtual event delivered during Climate Week NYC and in the side-lines of UN General Assembly, and we would like to invite you to join us.
The idea of a Climate Neutral 2050 Ambitions Registry was built into the Paris
2015 Agreement, as a way for Parties to transparently declare and progressively
increase their Carbon reduction ambitions through 2050, so as to secure global
temperature stabilized at tolerable levels for human survival.
As a transformation catalyst this Registry will be open to all Travel &
Tourism companies and communities, whether they have created a 2050 Carbon
Neutral Ambition yet. It will cover transport, hospitality, travel services and
infrastructure providers - from the smallest to the largest, anywhere in the
world. It will also be a conduit to the mainstream UN Climate Action Portal.
Speakers at
the event include Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli, Minister for Tourism and
Consumer Protection, Malta, and launch partners Gloria Guevara, President &
CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), and Glenn Mandziuk, President
& CEO, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA).
Please click here to reserve your

Geoffrey Lipman
President, SUNx Malta
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