Capacity Building Workshop 17 and 18th September for UNEA-5 and UNEP MTS

Effectively engage with the United Nations Environment Assembly, understand Multilateral Environment Agreements, and learn to identify ways to contribute to the delivery of the United Nations Environment Programme’s Medium-Term Strategy and Programme of Work


Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th September 2020

Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Central European Time (CET) on both days. CET is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+2).


Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future (SF), with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), has developed a comprehensive capacity-building and training event for Major Groups and other Stakeholders.

These ‘Train-the-Trainer’ workshops are intended to help your organization to effectively engage with the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEA) processes, and to identify ways to contribute to the delivery of the UNEP Medium-Term Strategy and Programme of Work.

A certificate of attendance will be issued upon the successful completion of the full programme (days 1 & 2).

Successful participants will be provided with the materials needed to run similar workshops for their organization and other, similar bodies in their country or region. Those further workshops will help to build strong, knowledgeable stakeholder communities with new or enhanced skills to effectively engage in multilateral negotiations and implementation of global agreements and initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement, and The UNEP The Environmental Rights Initiative.

The Programme

Thursday 17 September

Session 1

1. Understanding UNEA and UNEP, including the Committee of Permanent Representatives, their structure, and history.
2. UNEP’s Medium-Term Strategy and Programme of Work.
3. The role of Stakeholders in UNEP and UNEA.

Session 2
1. National and Regional Processes.
2. Attending UNEP and UNEA, and engaging effectively with UN Member States.
3. What it’s like to be a member state representative, and how to engage best.

Friday 18 September

Session 3

1. How to draft a resolution for a UN meeting.
2. Working with the Media (traditional and social)
3. Fundraising tips.

Session 4
1. Multi-stakeholder Partnerships and Partnerships to deliver the UNEP Medium-Term Strategy and Programme of Works.
2. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 73/333, formerly known as the Global Pact for the Environment.
3. Relevant other processes, such as human and environmental rights, and the United Nations organizations linked to them.


Jan-Gustav Strandenaes began working with the UN on environment and governance in the 1970s. He has been lecturing about the UN for 20 years, worked for NGOs at the United Nations in New York during the Commission on Sustainable Development years, and has carried out multiple assignments for UNEP. Earlier in his career, Jan-Gustav worked as a diplomat for Norway’s foreign office in Botswana and Uganda and later on directed a large aid and environment NGO in Norway for two decades.

Leida Rijnhout has been programme coordinator of Resource Justice and Sustainability at Friends of the Earth Europe. In her position as Executive Director of ANPED and director Global Policies at the EEB, she facilitated and coordinated the global NGO community to realize their active engagement in United Nations processes on Sustainable Development and Environment.


Felix Dodds is an Adjunct Professor in Environmental Sciences and Engineering and a Senior Fellow at the Global Research Institute at the University of North Carolina. He is also Associate Fellow at the Tellus Institute. Felix was the co-director of the 2014 and 2018 Nexus Conferences on Water, Food, Energy, and Climate at UNC, is a prolific author on the subject of global sustainability, and was the Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum from 1992 to 2012.


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