World Environment Day: SUNX Malta Launches BEND OUR TREND Campaign for Climate Friendly Travel

June 5th, World Environment Day.

SUNx Malta, in collaboration with the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) today launched a Climate Resilience campaign called BEND OUR TREND.

Led by a 90-second animated video, the campaign is designed to encourage Travel & Tourism companies and communities to:

1.          Adopt Climate Friendly Travel – Low carbon, linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and consistent with the Paris 1.5 trajectory.

2.          Create Climate Neutral Ambition Plans and file these on the SUNx Malta UNFCCC-linked Registry.

With the support of Malta’s Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection, Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli, who has declared her country to be a global centre of Climate Friendly Travel, we are deploying tools to help the entire Travel & Tourism sector in its essential transformation to a 2050 Paris 1.5 trajectory.

Minister Farrugia Portelli said:

“Our commitment to Climate Friendly Travel is even more important in a world where we need to plan our post-COVID19 future to also respond to the existential Climate Crisis – the effects of which are already upon us. Malta is a strong supporter of the Paris Climate Agreement and the EU Green Deal: through our work with SUNx Malta we will help bring Travel & Tourism to the table.”

Gloria Guevarra, President & CEO, WTTC said:

“This is another important step, working with SUNx Malta to encourage the Travel & Tourism sector to support the Paris Climate Agreement, in line with our long-standing engagement with UNFCCC to achieve Climate Neutrality by 2050. The present COVID-19 crisis has highlighted more than ever, the importance of ensuring sustainable Travel & Tourism as a key enabler to future recovery and growth. WTTC members are committed to play a leadership role.”

For SUNx Malta Professor Geoffrey Lipman, its President, and Leslie Vella, Chairman:

“We will provide support tools, underpinning the Registry and train young smart graduates, together with the Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta (ITS), to assist in strategic low carbon transformation. We are proud to work with a growing number of SDG-17 Partners to share innovation, strategic planning, visibility, education and training.

In addition to WTTC, other partners included in the launch include the Ministry for Tourism and Consumer Protection, Malta Tourism Authority, Institute of Tourism Studies, Sustainable First, Green Travel Maps, Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office, and LUX* Hotels & Resorts. 

For more details please see

The Strong Universal Network SUNx is a program of the EU-based, not for profit Green Growth and Travelism Institute, and a legacy to the late Maurice Strong - Sustainable Development Pioneer.  Its goal is to promote Climate Friendly Travel with good & bad effects measured and managed coherently: with Green Growth at the core and, 2050-proof in line with the Paris Accords, and the W.E.F. 4th Industrial Revolution. 

 For more information, please contact:

Olly Wheatcroft, SUNx Program Manager, +44 (0) 7765 132408




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