Guest blog:Call to all the people of the world

Guest blog by: Antonio Roque, Co-founder of the World Peace Alliance he has operational and leadership experience in working with fortune 500 tech companies in Cloud, IoT and software. He is very focused on sustainability and to find technological and institutional ways to achieve it and on helping space exploration.

Around the world, people are facing circumstances they’ve never see before. The recent world pandemic forced drastic changes in our communities and ourselves across our planet, it forever has changed economic and social systems, and the way we deal with our environment. The longer a lockdown is sustained, the deeper the economic scars, and the slower the recovery. As example, many small firms might not return with the recovery, unemployment rises at an unprecedented rate, there is a weapons race, wealth is distributed completely disproportionally, opportunities are only for a few and not for all, not to mention about science, healthcare and education that should be available efficiently and effectively to all, and a large portion of the people of the world is at starvation, suicide and without a home. A cacophony of crisis strikes the world, while some leaders lack political and institutional initiative to advance a united humanity into higher levels of living and prepare the world for future threats. 

But as we advance into a new age, we all start to realise that this cannot continue, the importance of science for our future, of spirituality to guide our paths, of being environmentally and socially intelligent, ready, connected and kind, that economy is not just about growth but rights, fairness and balance, freedom and happiness, union and responsibility, that only united and together, we all in this world can create a wheel of cooperation and readiness, so that no one is left behind and all can benefit and take advantage of. Together we can all amplify the benefits to all, transcend ourselves in unity, in a Universal spiritual family...

Resources and Food security

The constant difference of resources in countries will always act as engine for potential inclusive businesses creation. This with technological achievement in AI, blockchain and quantum/super computation, in a global model type of “traffic lights system” of food and resources, could help to preserve the environment and meet the needs of the global population more efficiently. Food and resources security are also a subject that should be addressed by the UN security, and the lack of them can ignite serious security issues. 

Gender and race equality, Inclusive and sustainable growth 

Promising a more prosperous economy combined with more equitable society growth that is repeatable, ethical and responsible to, and for, current and future communities. A diverse and inclusive economy is an economy that does not discriminate and treats all its groups on an equal footing. From the Mckinsey & Co report “Diversity matters” - Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. Also inclusive growth can be developed with the support of a global network of business angels that already exists and is expanding, even a micro business angels network could reach more impoverished layers of society. Wage inequality should also be addressed as a subject of right.

Future of work, unemployment, universal basic Income and free time

Due to automation, crisis and increased population, people will have more free time, might be able work less hours a week, corporate or home humanoid robots may even help people in daily tasks, people might be able to develop themselves in technology innovation, space, beautification, religion, wisdom, knowledge and philosophy. A universal basic salary or a social and environmental participation salary proportional to the economy of the country could help the percentage of losses, giving space to act towards each individual path, the right might be associated with a duty. Employers will be looking for people with the skills of curiosity, empathy, ethics, complex thinking creativity, emotional and social intelligence and imaginations, ability of unification of thinking and subjects and fast learning on the go. 

Climate change and Ecological collapse

A change of climate patterns that is attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. The Carbon Majors Database CDP Carbon Majors Report 2017 reveals that 100 fossil fuel producers and nearly 1 trillion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions have been created, about 70% of all anthropogenic GHG emissions. There is an urgent need to move into a general electric transportation in air, land and sea, plus the focus on Fusion, hydrogen, solar, wind, geothermal and biomass energies associated with this general electric transportation will greatly reduce CO2 emissions. Also ecosystems are the foundation for human life. They perform a range of functions and sustain us, everything we have came from the earth. We must have a global standard system of reutilization and recycling backed by global law and sovereignty and close the loop on the resources cycle system. Plus, by education programs, we must develop a global culture of focus on what we really need and do not waste. Mega cities might need to be limited to a certain number of people, to reduce the pressure on the mega city systems and establish balance also to other areas.

Economical and financial balance and progressive and eliminated taxes

Economic nationalism will increasingly lead governments to shut off their own economies from the rest of the world and this might be a big mistake, risk can only be reduced by a well-organized international cooperation, while closing an economy to the world will create high disproportion between countries, opening an economy to the world will bring a world of balance, if lessons learning from the past and the right system is created, plus in one single deal in international trade thousands of jobs can be created. There must be a new global economic model (new adaptable Bretton woods?) based on the evolution of each country and/or the existing bodies need strong reforms and increased support for long term financing and for inclusive growth. Family offices, Endowments/foundations, Sovereign wealth funds, Pension funds and life insurers and some business angels would need to come “closer”.
How much short-term volatility can be tolerated? An institution that is not willing to accept moderate levels of risk, short-term volatility and/or potential permanent capital loss, will not be able to employ a long-term investing strategy. In addition, an institution that will, in the face of market pressures, divest from their long-term investments irrespective of their stated risk tolerance also cannot employ a long-term investing strategy.
In a smaller scale in Nigeria, for example, fewer than 7% of SMEs have ever taken out a formal loan, and SME loan requests under $50,000 are rarely approved. The traditional lending model is based on financial systems in which lenders have access to a host of positive and negative data on a credit report – and although the situation is improving, credit scoring is hard to find in fast-growing economies.
By using advanced blockchain, analytics platforms and artificial intelligence to assess live data performance, lenders can see in much clearly deeper understanding of SMEs and their performance. They can establish businesses' creditworthiness, evaluate and reduce risk more easily, and issue loans in as little as 24 hours. The creation of companies should also be simplified at maximum with very low or no taxes in the first 3 to 5 years of existence to allow them to grow and contribute better to society in the future then by closing within a year in some cases. The proposed idea of taxing the super-rich of the world could bring up to 1 trillion$ USD that could be reinvested in the global society and needed countries with the help of the UN.

Future of the internet, AI and cybersecurity, Towards a fifth Industrial Revolution?

In the future Information could be displayed, floating in the air maybe even with laser holograms...the www will appear in the real world, not just on glass screens, and operating systems might become virtual assistants. 
In the future many other potential emerging technologies might emerge:

o Robotics, Humanoids, Virtual Assistants and Neurotech
o Internet of Autonomous Systems and Things
o Super Computation & Quantum Artificial Intelligence
o Laser Holograms and Augmented Reality
o Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
o 3D printing and Origination of matter from energy
o Genome, Bio and Nano technologies
o Fiber optics, Quantum Entanglement, 5G and Neutrino Communications
o Shape-Morphing and Super Materials
o Crystal/Carbon Energy and Data Storage
o Energy from renewables, hydrogen and fusion 
o Electric Turbines, Magnetohydrodynamics, Fusion, Antimatter and Gravity systems for propulsion in earth and space.

Technological change is an engine of economic growth, offering new possibilities at the moment in health care, education, communication and productivity. Science and education need to be accessible to all so that all can contribute to the acceleration of scientific progress, fact finding and creation of prototypes. Political, institutional and business angels will is required to take risks in research. Only on the field of calculated risk we can progress and grow.
Also AI is here to help us to organise a complex world just as the invention of the car helped us to go faster, it is just a semi-automated system with learning patterns that is able to simulate brain architectures, it is, in cybersecurity, normally used for checking accesses to APIs, fields on the disk, environmental products (camera, keyboard etc), consumed processor power, consumed bandwidth and the amount of data transmitted over the internet. To have proper and efficient system in cyber security on this world, international cooperation has to be established and an international UN cybersecurity body and applicable policies and laws need to exist.

Global aid, trade and investment strategy, the regulatory frameworks

This fast-changed world rightly challenges our existing systems and financing architecture – Do we need a new global Global Public Investment? A Concessional international public finance intended to promote sustainable development.  questioning whether Office of Development assistance and development finance currently really fit for the world of the future? 
The geography of poverty is shifting fast, poverty will no longer be eliminated by 2030, the income gap between the poorest 20% of people will continue to grow, national public resources are the lowest where poverty and vulnerability persist, fragility is high and governance infrastructure is weak. Increasing humanitarian demand required a global aid fund. The climate and economic crisis and war will only increase the numbers of people displaced within or outside of their own countries and the need for humanitarian assistance will keep increasing. 
Focusing on tackling inequality and changing focus from inequalities between countries to intra-national inequalities between regions given the contemporary distribution of poverty? 
Should an efficient Global aid fund change aid architecture? A need for a refreshed Bretton Woods, reformed UN system or a UN Parliamentary assembly? 
We no longer live in a world where one group of countries give aid and another group of countries receive aid. The future is much more about global and regional solidarity and countries being both aid providers and recipients simultaneously based, to some extent, upon their comparative positions in global economic and political power systems… Aid should still be focused not just only on elimination of poverty but also on a subcategory of a Universal participation/basic salary? 
Can we live in a world of global dynamic altruism leveraging growth and progress to the point that altruism itself is only sporadically needed?

Future healthcare - Universal health coverage – access to all nano and biotechnology 

The pandemic will accelerate change within the health-care sector but how will it be our future? For sure we are learning to be more efficient, the pressure in resources have been distributed and people are participating and helping in a spirit of brotherhood.
In the future health care might increasingly shift from inside to outside hospitals. We are currently witnessing intense pressure on hospital beds as the number of seriously ill patients grows, but when conditions eventually ease, we would still expect to see an acceleration in the shift of care away from inside to outside the hospital, and here the demand for telemedicine is likely to grow exponentially. There will be huge pressure for people to have access to telemedicine, enabled by remote diagnostics and better technology. The ability to undertake virtual appointments to diagnose underlying and immediate health issues and purchase online medicines should continue to grow, even as the pandemic eases. The health-care systems are recognizing the importance of fast and reliable diagnosis that can reach all, of technological innovations and of the importance of vaccines for humanity’s conquest of disease.
Also as we entered in the age of nanobiotechnology - Nanoparticles can disable pathogens to target a wide range of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. Unlike other novel drugs with large molecular structures, nanoparticles are so small that they can move through our body without disrupting other functions, such as those of the immune system. From here we might start to see new types of investment and jobs like Nanodoctors for example.
And in the greater good, as the eyes of the public are on the them, the good will of large corporations that might be keeping the profits low, will increase access to medications, and we might see levels of funding to health-care systems increase over time; many regulators, along with politicians, companies and individuals will be pushing to make this a reality and if we can take this to an international level group of global collaboration, with the help and good will of the UN, corporations, institutions and governments , we can reach all.

Space exploration 

Space exploration will help us to gain momentum for us all to start to look at our planet as a whole, and create a sense of unity, inter-national cooperation is the only element for us to advance into space more efficiently. Space exploration is also important for the advancement of science that can be used then in improving other areas of life on earth. As we advance to Mars and in deep space, new horizons and discoveries will unfold and its important also that when we colonize a planet or satellite, this will belong to a representative Earth body and not to a single country that might create conflict.
We're indeed in a space race today, just as we were in the 1960s, and the stakes are even higher, as US Vice President Mike Pence said during a speech in March 2019.
Currently there are over 72 different government and intergovernmental space agencies. Thirteen of these have space launch capabilities, including NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) and the China National Space Administration (CNSA).
Although government is racing to space, commercial companies are also developing spaceflight capabilities, including SpaceX founded by Elon Musk, Blue Origin established by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic. By 2030, it has been estimated that the global space market could be worth £400 billion. 
Both space agencies and commercial companies have a number of different objectives for the next 50 years, including:
Automated and robotic exploration of the Solar System and beyond
Telescopic exploration of deep space
Development of innovative spacecraft
Crewed spaceflight and settlements on planets
Space tourism
Deep space missions
Mining of other planets
Offline/Online quality and efficient education as needed

If you don’t invest in efficient education you pay the price of ignorance…
Employers need skills, not just knowledge or titles, and students want jobs, not knowledge or titles, the main reason invest time and money in university is to have a good job and financial stability as the main goal and around 40-50% of students working in jobs don’t need their qualifications. Students have high and unrealistic expectations as most education institutions promote themselves as an engine of growth, employability, and success, using models of education from past economies needs. Not all can be leaders, CEOs or managers…
Students are paying more and more to get less and less and the student debt is holding them in their future.
Many elite universities prioritize research, In many top institutions, teaching can be seen as a distraction from publishing and getting research grants. 
Also instead of boosting meritocracy, universities reinforce inequality: The value-add of a university degree is inversely related to a student’s socio-economic status, as most top college graduates would have enjoyed high levels of career success anyway because of their initial wealth, privilege, and contacts.
This relates with the progress of science, knowledge is evolutionary and not static, and it advances as we evolve as a human race. We must move this wave into a “high education as you need, maybe online?” on each individual path and science needs to accessible to all and be open to, with clear scientific evidence, evolve…


Human society would be also greatly improved if the civilized races would more generally return to the family-council. Family life is the promoter of true morality, the ancestor of the consciousness of loyalty to duty. The enforced associations of family life stabilise personality and stimulate its growth through the compulsion of necessary adjustment to other and diverse personalities. Real families are built upon tolerance, patience, and forgiveness and in this world human family that we live in, the base is the same. Families, groups, nations, races are relationships of association which possess individuality; and therefore, does every member of any such group, large or small, reap the benefits and suffer the consequences of the right doing and the wrongdoing of all other members of the group concerned.

Global democracy systems/internet vote

While we advance thought time with an increasing population and to avoid putting more pressure in resources, voting via the Internet is the most adequate choice; the cybersecurity systems are becoming highly advanced as in the case of Estonia that became the first nation to hold legally binding general elections over the Internet with their pilot project for the municipal elections in 2005 In the 2019 parliamentary elections, 247,232 people, or 43.8% of all participants, voted over the Internet.
Giving a voice to all the people in the world with technology... Each human being has the right to change the course of history, from the ones that live on the streets, to the ones that lead the world - a voice to every single one and the totality of humanity - Democracy is the right universal path!
Public opinion, common opinion, has always delayed society; nevertheless, it is valuable, for, while retarding social evolution, it does preserve civilization. Education/information of the public is the only safe and true method of accelerating civilization.

A United Nations parliamentary assembly - Global law frameworks 

How many world wars must be fought and how many leagues of nations must fail before men will be willing to establish the government of mankind and begin to enjoy the blessings of permanent peace and thrive on the tranquillity of good will—world-wide good will—among men?
Earth will not enjoy lasting peace until the so-called sovereign nations intelligently and fully share their sovereign powers into the hands of the brotherhood of men—mankind government. Internationalism—Leagues of Nations—can never bring permanent peace to mankind. World-wide confederations of nations will effectively prevent minor wars and acceptably control the smaller nations, but they will not prevent world wars nor control the three, four, or five most powerful governments. In the face of real conflicts, one of these world powers will withdraw from the League and declare war. You cannot prevent nations going to war as long as they remain infected with the universally unclear view of national sovereignty. Internationalism is a step in the right direction. 

The difficulty in the evolution of political sovereignty from the family to all mankind, lies in the inertia-resistance exhibited on all intervening levels. Each new and forward evolution of political sovereignty is (and has always been) embarrassed and hampered by the “scaffolding stages” of the previous developments in political organization. And this is true because human loyalties, once mobilized, are hard to change. The same loyalty (patriotism) which makes possible the evolution of the territorial state, vastly complicates the evolutionary development of the government of all mankind.
War on earth will never end so long as nations cling to the illusive notions of unlimited national sovereignty. There are only two levels of relative sovereignty on an inhabited world: the spiritual free will of the individual mortal and the collective sovereignty of mankind as a whole. Between the level of the individual human being and the level of the total of mankind, all groupings and associations are relative, transitory, and of value only in so far as they enhance the welfare, well-being, and progress of the individual and the planetary grand total—man and mankind.

So far the only organization that is close to this achievement is the United Nations and its possible reform with a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly that is a global network of parliamentarians, non-governmental organizations, scholars, and dedicated citizens that advocates democratic representation of the world's citizens. One important question is whether a UNPA would could act an advisory body? With the focus of political power remaining with the General Assembly, whose members would, be ultimately elected by popular vote. The resistance of some non-democratic states and the decision on architecture are the main challenging points. 

A UNPA would also be an excellent step for the eventual emergence of a General Assembly with legislative powers. International decisions are still made by heavily armed nations that are poised to destroy one another in a very out-dated scenario. In the UN Charter amendments would it be possible to introduce a voting system for the general assembly? A UNPA could be made up of members appointed by or chosen from members of national parliaments of UN member states (that should gain international protection). A potential lack of agreement on the basic architecture of such an organ may occur 
UNPA is about efficient adaptability for change and the needs of the world, and it could bring in a fresh global perspective on the unresolved crisis that we currently face in this world. It would help also to align better the disharmony of rules from each sovereign state and it would be the symbol of the idea of the world as one community.

Readiness in possible future disasters - Weapons of mass destruction, Asteroid impact, Pandemics, Earthquakes, volcano eruptions and Unknown threats

We can only be ready together, disasters will always happen and data on the physical, biological, social, and health and other aspects of disasters need to be systematically collected and shared internationally and the resulting lessons learned be incorporated into policy and practice to reduce the impacts of future disasters. These policies for sure will result in the need for international cooperation and a global implementation, and will need to be protected by global law, and global law can only happen properly with global sovereignty…

Just imagine the impossible things that we could do if we could all cooperate a little bit more together …

It’s all about evolution, love that replaces ego, the cure of distrust and suspicion, the universal brotherhood and citizenship of people, the responsibility towards our planet and the connection and relationship with the Universal Heavenly Father – God that listens to you all the time.

May the Light and the love of the Holy Spirit shine in the all the hearts of the persons of this planet Earth

Let us Forge Utopia


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