Capacity Building for UNEA participants
Wednesday 13th of March

Green Tent, UN Compound, Gigiri, Kenya 
10:30 to 1:30pm

If you want to learn more about how the system works, how to lobby member states and what tools you might use to engage in UNEA and the Sustainable Development Goals or just a refresher, then this is the workshop for you. Last UNEA’s most popular workshop is back and again run by its two seasoned lobbyists:
  • Felix Dodds, Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina and
  • Jan Gustav Strandenaes, Senior Advisor on Governance for Stakeholder Forum.

The workshop will cover the following elements:
  • A little on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
  • NGOs, Major Groups and other Stakeholders
  • Why attend UN meetings – some case studies of successful campaigns and Multi
  • stakeholder Partnerships
  • SWOT and other tools
  • National preparation
  • Understanding the countries, bureau and secretariat
  • What to do at the UN meetings
  • Media
  • The Sustainable Development Goal Landscape and key dates for the next five years

“It’s democracy, period! This book is a must-read for all who want to understand how to work the 21th century politics. Having worked long years as eminent advisors, actors, and advocates the authors offer deep insider knowledge. Stakeholder are more than just the opposite to economic shareholder. Stakeholder democracy is part of the mainstream institutional and parliamentary governance. Even more so, engagement of people helps keeping democracies lively, effective and resourceful. This book carefully sketches out how stakeholder democracy came to be the prime important ingredient to our common future. When it comes to ensuring a decent life for all within the planetary boundaries being transparent, reliable, constructively positive are the virtues of cooperation - as opposed to being absorbed in elitist turf battles and selfish positioning in the global awareness economy. For public and stakeholder politics there what can be learned from the rich narrative of this book might simply start a new Stakeholder Social Responsibility.”
Günther Bachmann, General Secretary to the German Council for Sustainable Development


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