Presentation for the UNDESA workshop: Advancing the 2030 Agenda: Inter-linkages and Common Themes at the HLPF 2018
This is a blog based on a presentation I made for the UNDESA workshop: Advancing the 2030 Agenda: Inter-linkages and Common Themes at the HLPF 2018. My power point can be downloaded here.
The inter-linkages between the Water and Sanitation Goal and
the other SDGs have concrete implications for framing and implementing
policies, programmes and collaborations – with significant variations across
regions. Understanding these implications as well as how to leverage them
effectively can
Bonn 2011 Nexus Conference
The Nexus in its present discussion started when the German
government initiated the discussions in August 2010 held at the Stockholm Water
Week. They had successfully hosted conference in 2001 on Water and 2005 on
Energy and they were now looking to input to the Rio+20 Conference.
The 2011 Bonn Nexus Conference was a real attempt to address
the inter-linkage agenda of Water-Energy and Food (WEF) . The inter-linkage
agenda isn’t a new agenda there was always a paper at the old Commission
Sustainable Development but rarely was it taken seriously – or perhaps we just
thought we had more time.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have changed that
and one of the key differences we all recognize is that we live in a more
complex world and that the goals and targets in the SDGs are a first really
attempt to address that complexity.
As we know water is critical to all forms of life. We need
it for ourselves, for our food, for nature and with a fossil fuel based economy
for producing our energy. To address these competing challenges, we need to
ensure we have an enabling environment for the interlinkage policy making of
the 21st century, we need our academic institutions to support working across
disciplines and we need new toolkits, management systems that help us address
this new complexity with our institutions and stakeholders working better
together in partnership
For the 2011 Bonn Conference the material produced for the
International Advisory Board by the Stockholm Environment Institute still holds
They suggested that the drivers we needed to address were
population growth the increased urbanization, economic growth particularly as
identified in India and China. The 2014 and 2018 Chapel Hill Nexus conference in 2014 and 2018 added climate change to this list.
The critical impacts are that by 2030 there will be an
estimated 40% increase in demand for energy and a 30-50% increase in the demand
for food BUT for me the critical issue is the gap of water resources between
availability and demand estimated at 40%.
These figures were prior to the agreement on the SDGs and
their targets and indicators. But it’s fair to say although there is enormous
enthusiasm and activities to implement the SDGs we are already falling short.
In last year’s global scan survey of over 500 experienced
sustainability professionals only 8% through that there had been good progress
on the water goal, 7% of the food goal, 9% on climate change goal and 11% on
the energy goal. I share that because it has an impact on advancing the SDGs.
Target and Goal Interlinkages
David Leblanc’s chapter in the Water-Food-Energy-Climate
Change book that Jamie Bartram and myself edited two years showed it shows the
linkage between water-food-energy and climate change.
I would draw your
attention to the two smaller black dots that I believe are critical to being
able to address the other elements here. We need to build resilience and
adaptive capacity which is the theme of ECOSOC and the HLPF this year and we
need to create Nexus National policies, strategies and planning that
encompasses this complexity. I would amend this to say all levels of
It’s not new but we need to create ‘more with less’ the
World Business Council for Sustainable; Development around Rio+5 in 1997 argued
that what was needed was an efficiency gain of factor 4 and factor a 90%
decrease in resource use. By Rio+10 this
had become a factor 20 increase in eco efficiency. What this means is we need
to reduce and reuse water wherever we can, we need to reduce wastage of food,
part of this is also about being able to in some countries get food to market
so it’s an infrastructure issue. And on energy.
As you can see fossil fuel extraction uses huge amounts of
water compared to wind and solar. Energy supply at this moment accounts for
nearly 15% of the global freshwater extraction. I would add that 30% of the
worlds energy consumption is through the agri-food supply and agriculture
represents 70% of freshwater use so there is some compelling evidence for all
of us to look at interlinked solutions. A move towards renewables not only
helps address climate change but also saves water.
Policy coherence is critical to addressing the Nexus. This
needs to be at all levels of government – it will require horizontal, vertical
and enhanced governance models to be created.
Horizontally, sector ministries need to work together at a
level we haven’t seen before.
Vertically national relationships need to be strengthened
with sub national and local governments and enhanced stakeholder engagement is
needed at all levels to ensure all voices are hear.
There will need to be tradeoffs among water, energy and food
in the design of any implementation plan and investment and that will only be
successful if all stakeholders are engaged and their voices heard.
The role of sub-national and local government is where the
rubber meets the road as they say. This is the level of government where the
trade-offs become critical, where the citizens are impacted by the decisions and
where effective spatial linkages can be taken into account. There needs to be the development of more
toolkits to enable these levels of governments to really start to address these
The push to have all companies listed on Stock Exchanges to
report and explain their environmental impact, governance and social policies
and practices would go a long way to accelerate companies to adopting a Nexus
Two reports in 2011 and 2013 by high level, expert panels to
the UN Secretary General suggested that this should be done. The Secretary
General’s Sustainable Finance Summit in September should advance this and
Nigeria has been sharing a possible GA resolution that addresses this and other
issues. Adopting a reporting process, companies can use the Nexus to ensure a
more sustainable future not only for their company but for all of us.
To create optimal solutions, it is necessary to better
understand the interlinkages of company strategies, investment and behaviors.
The 2014 Nexus conference came out with a set of principles
working with the UN Global Compact to guide companies on the Nexus
Principle 1: Respect Human Rights to Ensure All Benefit from the Nexus
Principle 2: Ensure integrity, transparency and accountability in addressing the Nexus
Principle 3: Support Government Attempts to Build a Sustainable Nexus Regulatory Framework
Principle 4: Promote Co-design and Mutually Beneficial Partnerships
Principle 5: Seek Innovative Methods of Sustainable Resource Usage
Principle 6: Incorporate Nexus Views in Future Development
2018 Nexus Conference 16-18th
The 2018 Nexus Conference will take forward this agenda through
reviewing the following agenda.
- Input to the High Level Political Forum
- Science-policy interface
- Financing the Nexus
- Nexus partnerships
- Resilient cities
- Solutions and tool kits
- Capacity development for the Nexus
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” and
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
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