The most amazing workshop ever on the 15-16th of July -

On the middle weekend of the High Level Political Forum there will be a one and a half days of focused presentations and lively interaction bringing together multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) that contribute to the SDGs under review at this year’s UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 14), and others interested in partnerships.
MSPs are expected to be one of the significant delivery mechanisms for the SDGs. If you are involved in a partnership or plan to be then THIS is the workshop for you.
The workshop will:
1.     Provide space for partnerships working on particular goals and targets to share their experiences and lessons learnt, helping to build a well-informed community of practice that can have a significant role in implementing the SDGs
2.     Begin to collate a set of principles that multi-stakeholder partnerships themselves articulate as guidance for how they work
3.     Inform the debate about multi-stakeholder partnerships for sustainable development at the UN, among governments and stakeholders
Please do:
è Save the Date: July 15 + 16 in New York (starting with registration on Saturday at 9:30am and closing Sunday, 1:00pm)
è Tell your colleagues and networks about the workshop
è Let us know if you would want to contribute on any of the following themes:
o   partnerships’ contributions to SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 14;
o   governance structures and processes of partnerships;
o   building individual and institutional capacities for partnerships;
o   financing of partnerships;
o   challenges and limits of multi-stakeholder collaboration;
o   review, reporting and evaluation
 Location: The Paper Factory Hotel, 37-06 36th St, Long Island City, NY 11101; 
Metro: 36th Street on the M and R line (3 stops to the UN on the M -30 minutes door to door)
Register now through HERE
Also we have negotiated a special rate at the Paper Factory. Need a place to stay? Up to 21 days in advance of the HLPF (July 10-19) workshop participants receive a 20% discount for booking their stay at the Paper Factory Hotel. To receive the discount please use the following link HERE
On Thursday the 13th of July the Paper Factory Artist in Residence will have an evening class book here if you are interested HERE.
The Paper Factory is three streets away from the Queens MOMI 
There is no financial support available for this workshop. It assumes you are already coming to the HLPF. Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions:
Felix Dodds, Tellus Institute,
Dr Minu Hemmati, MSP Institute,


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