Guest blog: New sustainability vlogging channel launched

Guest blog by Trewin Restorick, Founder & CEO Hubbub UK
Hubbub UK has secured £100,000 of investment funding from CAF Venturesome to launch a new sustainability vlogging channel. The channel is part of Hubbub’s on-going ambition to take environmental messages to a mainstream audience in a way that is fresh and compelling.
Launched on January 7th the channel will consist of weekly vlogs fronted by Sarah Divall exploring all things green including sustainable fashion, food and lifestyles. The approach will be punchy, informative and light-hearted, giving a rapid and engaging insight into the latest ideas and news.
The launch of the channel reflects the growing trend of people getting information and ideas through short, compelling video content. Globally over the last 10 years there has been $11.5 million invested in vlogging with 1 billion users and 1 trillion views. The Global Web Index discovered that 65% of internet users have watched a vlog.
The largest vlogging audience is currently relatively young – the so-called Generation D (14-18 year olds), but the age gap is gradually closing with more women in the age-bracket up to 34 getting information from this source. Vloggers have been particularly successful in engaging people in fashion and food with many people in the UK now watching vlogs to get advice and information.
We are keen to explore the potential for increasing reach and impact through the creation of the new channel and is delighted that CAF Venturesome has had sufficient confidence in the idea to invest in the approach.
The first set of vlogs will explore the lifestyle concept of Live LAGOM, deliver deeper into the recyclability of coffee cups and discover how people are reducing food waste and saving money. The ambition is to encourage 5,000 people to subscribe to the channel in the first year.
We know that the channel is a bit of a leap into the unknown and that it will take a few months to settle on a format and approach that works. We hope that you are sufficiently intrigued to subscribe, to let us have your thoughts on the approach we are taking and how it could be strengthened.
Let us know what you think
We are highly receptive to feedback and comments. If you have content that you think could be of interest to subscribers please get in touch directly with Sarah


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