Leonardo DiCaprio's new film: Before the Flood

Leonardo DiCaprio's new film:'Before the Flood' went live on Monday and gradually the team behind the film are adding in more and more content this week on the film web site to get ready for Monday's global broadcast.  
I had the pleasure of working with them and producing the Sustainable Development Goals page
The film could be one of the most watched film events in history -- broadcasting to 500 million homes in 137 countries on National Geographic (NatGeo). It is also more importantly for the millennial folks,  streamed all week on Facebook, Youtube, Hulu, Playstation, and can be viewed on demand on Apple iTunes, Amazon, and GooglePlay.
The website is designed to help those less familiar with the climate issue or are perhaps even a little skeptical. The section called EXPLORE is designed to showcase not only to the latest facts about climate change but also the amazing individuals who have dedicated much (if not all) of their careers to the climate cause. Its a great resource for all campaigns too.
The project is organized through the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.
You can support the project through promoting the hashtag #beforetheflood, and support the call-out for next week's global event. You can get more details about the platforms here    
The contributors to the project can be found here.






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