Guest Blog Jacqueline Burton: Habitat III: Local governments are key to achieving international development goals
Jacqueline Burton, Program Associate, Equitable Development Ford Foundation
republished from the Ford Foundation website here
World leaders will gather in Quito, Ecuador this October to
agree on an international framework for sustainable development at the Habitat
III conference. The conference outcome document – the New Urban Agenda (NUA) –
is expected to be a complementary framework that will drill into what it will
take to achieve a number of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but
particularly the goal to:
“make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,
resilient, and sustainable.”
Although the SDGs and
NUA are agreements negotiated and adopted by national governments, it is
regional and local authorities – governors, mayors, and leading officials – who
will bear much of the burden of what gets laid out in these types of
intergovernmental agreements. That’s because they work most closely with
communities, so they know the needs of their residents and understand local
contexts and challenges to equitable development. Thus, subnational governments
are in the best position to ensure international agreements are “localized” to
most effectively tackle inequality.
Historically, intergovernmental processes have not
adequately recognized the role that subnational actors play. The tide has been
turning in recent years, though unevenly. In preparation for the 1992 Rio Earth
Summit, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
was established. ICLEI is an international association of local governments
that have made a commitment to sustainable development. The Summit’s outcome
document, Agenda 21, emphasized the role of local authorities and spoke
directly about localizing the agenda, which spawned over 6,000 “Local Agenda
21” action plans around the globe. It established local authorities as one of
nine UN Major Groups of stakeholders that should be involved in the
implementation of Agenda 21.
Yet in 2000, the Millennium Development Goals (the precursor
to the SDGs) didn’t mention the role of local authorities at all. Then, in
another swing of the pendulum, the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development
(WSSD) was the first major UN conference to recognize that subnational
governments have a critical role in implementing global agendas. In fact, the
Network for Regional Governments for Sustainable Development was set up at WSSD
to bring local authorities’ voices to global level discussions. Since then,
local authorities have been featured prominently in intergovernmental agreements
including the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement, and – we hope – in the New
Urban Agenda.In preparation for Quito, strong global networks for
collaboration, including United Cities & Local Governments (UCLG), the
Global Task Force of Regional and Local Governments, the Commonwealth Local
Government Forum (CLGF), ICLEI, and C40 Cities have become critical forums for
engagement, ensuring that subnational governments share and learn from each
other and elevate pressing local and regional issues into the global
negotiations of the NUA. Many credit the ambitious goals of last year’s Paris
Climate Agreement to the strong cadre of mayors who went to Paris and demanded
a meaningful declaration on reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.
The question now is: Will there be a repeat of this passion
and commitment in Quito?
UCLG Deputy Secretary General Emilia Sanz is hopeful,
emphasizing during a recent conversation at Ford that “we expect our voices to
be heard strongly [in Quito] and that there will be clear visibility of and
daring statements by local authorities.” But what exactly those statements will
be remains to be seen. National level representatives are currently negotiating
the text of the New Urban Agenda. They just wrapped up three days of
around-the-clock negotiations at a preparatory meeting in Surabaya, Indonesia,
where they remained deadlocked on several issues, including the role of local
governments. It has been one of the more contentious issues during the
negotiations, with disagreements over how much authority they should have, how
municipal finance systems should be structured, and so forth. This means
additional days of negotiations before we head to Quito. Because we don’t have
the final document yet, local authorities are not sure how their roles will be
outlined. Thus, they must prepare to go to Quito ready to either champion a
strong document or with supplemental plans and statements about how they will
continue their work in spite of a weak document.
As for the United States, many of our mayors are champions
of equitable development and inclusive urban growth. We are pleased to see this
enthusiasm at both local and national levels. US Department of Housing &
Urban Development Secretary and former mayor of San Antonio Julian Castro has
served as an active chair of the US National Committee for Habitat III,
bringing a background in subnational governance to the role. Advising mayors on
how to implement the NUA at a recent conversation at Ford, Secretary Castro
“Be bold [and] embrace the issues that are going to help
your city move forward in important ways, and then find common ground with
folks out there in your community and implement policies that are truly going
to make a difference…Mayors have a huge role to play.”
As it is in the SDGs and the Paris Agreement, the role of
subnational and local authorities should be a robust component of the New Urban
Agenda. Indeed, they will be among the most critical players in implementing
what gets laid out in Quito.
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