We invite you to the second webinar on partnerships
​to ​
tak​e place on Thursday, 17 March, 9:30 am - 11:30 am

​ Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-4:00)​
​Felix Dodds will guide a conversation where participants will discuss questions posed in the two dialogue papers prepared for the ECOSOC Partnership Forum on 31 March. These questions may be found here where NGOs, major groups and stakeholder groups will be invited to submit their written inputs. We propose to gather this input into a paper to circulate to member states at the Partnership Forum where participating NGO observers will also be given the opportunity to make interventions from the floor at the interactive dialogue sessions taking place in the morning and afternoon.

Please read the outcome from the UNDESA Retreat summary before the webinar and the two dialogue papers, here and here.
The outcome from the ECOSOC Partnership Forum will result in a greater understanding of cross-sectoral solutions and the key success factors in bringing high-potential development solutions to scale, through multi-stakeholder partnerships. Member states, experts and NGOs will share ways to enhance accountability and transparency of multistakeholder partnerships in support of the 2030 Agenda. A President’s Summary will be prepared capturing the key messages from the day’s discussions. A more extensive summary of the event’s deliberations will be prepared which will serve as a basis for ECOSOC’s contribution to HLPF and the high-level segment of the Council.
  • ​RSVP for the 17 March webinar is here
  • ​The main web site for the Partnership Forum is here
  • The webex link is below
Partnerships Webinar
Thursday, March 17, 2016
9:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  2 hrs

Meeting number:
799 440 176
Meeting password:

Jeffery Huffines
​NGO Major Group Organizing Partner​
CIVICUS UN Representative (NY)


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