Global Sustainable Development Report: 2016 edition: “Ensuring that no one is left behind” CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 18 FEBRUARY 2016

The work on a 2016 report builds upon GSDR 2014 and GSDR 2015. The approach will be that of an assessment of assessments, documenting and describing the landscape of information on specific issues or nexuses of issues. Specifically, the reports will keep the ‘science-policy interface’ and ‘SDGs as integrated system’ as main threads. The approach to the different chapters will be similar to that used for the past two editions.

Call for contributions to the UN Global Sustainable Development Report 2016 Bring your science issues and solutions to the attention of policymakers and participate in a conversation with them!

Preparations for the 2016 edition of the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR), to be submitted to the fourth session of the HLPF in July 2016, are now underway. One chapter of the Report will cover the contributions received. “Ensuring that no one is left behind”, as the theme chosen for the HLPF 2016, will be a running theme through the report. In addition, a thematic chapter of the 2016 GSDR will have an urban focus, in the context of the SDGs. Efforts are also ongoing to include the briefs in open access, digital repositories and an e-journal. Click below to contribute:

“Ensuring that no one is left behind” , as the theme chosen for the HLPF 2016, will be a running theme through this year’s report.

GSDR 2016 Outline


Chapter 1: “Ensuring that no one is left behind” and the 2030 Agenda 

This introductory chapter will attempt to frame the concept of “ensuring that no one is left behind” in the context of the 2030 Agenda, and in particular in the context of the sustainable development goals and targets, in a simple fashion. It will examine how specific goals and targets across the SDGs relate to this notion. Based on this, it will highlight key lines of scientific research and debate from various disciplines that are related to “ensuring that no one is left behind” in its various nuances and in relation to the various goals and targets. The chapter will serve as an anchor for other chapters, in particular chapters 3 and 4.

Key questions to be addressed: 
• How does “ensuring that no one is left behind” relate to other concepts in the 2030 Agenda and to SDG goals and targets?
• What are implications of the principle of leaving no one behind for implementation strategies across different SDG areas?
• What are the main strands of scientific inquiry and evidence covering this question for various areas in the SDGs?

Chapter 2: The infrastructure – inequality – resilience nexus 

Drawing from the work of the scientific community, this chapter will examine the inter-linkages among infrastructure, inequality and resilience. The chapter will complement chapter 1 by going deeper into the analysis of policies, synergies and trade-offs at the level of a specific nexus. It aims to highlight and synthesize the main channels of interconnection among these areas and to synthesize the results of integrated scientific analyses of the synergies and trade-offs among them. The chapter will also examine how integrated planning and policy approaches have addressed synergies and trade-offs, and how interlinkages could be better addressed in the future.

Key questions to be addressed:
• What are the most important inter-linkages among these SDG areas, and how are these linkages addressed in terms of policies?
• What are possible benefits and challenges of adopting more integrated approaches, and how has this been done in different contexts?

Chapter 3: Technologies for inclusiveness 

The objective of the chapter is to identify and examine technology needs and gaps for making development sustainable and energy efficient. In particular, the chapter will highlight examples of emergent, high-impact technologies. The chapter will identify cooperation mechanisms that could facilitate dissemination of relevant technologies that contribute positively to the objective of leaving no one behind. The chapter will also touch on the role of policies in fostering innovation and endogenous solutions of countries’ own sustainable development challenges. Possibly, this chapter may provide highlights on some of the SDGs selected for thematic reviews at the HLPF 2016.

Key questions to be addressed 
 • What are the technology needs and gaps (in different contexts e.g. depending on city size, development stage, and countries in special situations) for making development more inclusive?
• What is the landscape of existing technology facilitation mechanisms that are relevant to the objective of leaving no one behind, and what kind of cooperation mechanisms and initiatives have the potential to narrow the above-mentioned gaps?

Chapter 4: Inclusive institutions for sustainable development 

The chapter will look at how national institutions have been used to promote inclusiveness, in relation to the achievement of sustainable development specific goals and targets identified in chapter 1 (e.g. fighting discrimination, reducing inequality, gender equality and empowerment of marginalized groups, participation). For this year’s report, special attention will be given to the role of parliaments. The chapter will draw on existing studies and reviews across countries and regions.

Key questions to be addressed:
• What is the state of knowledge on how national institutions have performed in fostering inclusiveness?
• What lessons can be learned from existing studies of the role of national institutions in addressing inclusiveness across the world? 

Chapter 5: Emerging science issues and solutions for the attention of decision-makers

This chapter will build on previous editions of the GSDR and will highlight emerging issues. It will combine insights from applying different approaches to identify and prioritize emerging issues, in collaboration with various initiatives and using expanded outreach to scientists, including crowd-sourced briefs. The chapter will be structured around insights from global initiatives (UN system, international organizations, organized scientific community), science briefs, and national level inputs (academies of science, think tanks, development plans). Based on this, the chapter will provide a review of proposed solutions to overcoming barriers to sustainable development, – whether in the form of new technologies, insights, initiatives or partnerships.

Key questions to be addressed 
• Which emerging science issues and solutions identified by various initiatives and assessments are not prominently being discussed at the UN level and should be considered by decision-makers?
• What solutions are proposed by science to address those issues, and how to make sense of them in the context of an integrated approach to the SDGs?

Conclusions and way forward 

This chapter will present key messages from preceding chapters


  1. Please find link to a Paper that the UN has accepted for circulation

    It is clear that Policy Makers and Decision Makers on 193 UN Member States; UN System including WBG and IMF and CSOs'/NGOs' sides parrot Business Unusual but continue to practice Business as Usual and so all UN Events scheduled to help find answer to AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 Aligned and Harmonized to National Development Plans, NDPs' How questions in each of the 193 UN member States end up finding answer to What questions.

    It is pertinent to note that answer to What question is about SAYING and this is easy and answer to How question is about DOING and this is ESPECIALLY Difficult because it requires KNOW HOW and it is either you have it or you don't.

    We observe that there is only One How question in Chapter 1 and No How question in remaining Chapters 2 - 5. that all remaining questions in Chapters 1 - 5 are What questions with the exception of a single Which question in Chapter 5. Our suggestions is that more than enough has been said on What questions, that NEHAP / ISPE / EAG is the ONLY Institution in our World today not only setting out clear answers to How questions but also has the most Advanced One Worldwide Approach that meet minimum standard to DELIVER on the One Worldwide Approach Recommendation of SG Synthesis Report released 4 December 2014 and that for as long as clear, sound and practical answers are not found to How questions the GSDR Report 2016 will like its predecessors contribute little of nothing towards to sustainable solutions to real and complex National and International Development Cooperation problems on the ground in each of the 193 UN Member States.

    We have more to contribute if invited.


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