Dialogues for Justice, Public Interest, and the Common Good: From the Margins and the Front-lines

Over the coming weeks i am going to use the blog to identify some events around the Summit in September that I think would be worth going to. This one is on the 28th and looks like a great NGO event.

Dialogues for Justice, Public Interest, and the Common Good:

From the Margins and the Front-lines

Proposed Program

The Gaze from the Margins and the Frontlines 

Discerning Power: from the ground to the summit 

14:00-16:00h    Dialogues for Justice: 
Breakout Groups
a.     Austerity and privatization
b.     Wage depression and job insecurity
c.      Land, water and resource grabbing
d.     Environmental degradation and climate change
e.     Forced migration and human trafficking
f.      Unfair international trade and financial system
g.     State repression and militarization

16:00-17:00h                Continuing the journey

17:00-18:00h                 Reception with media

Participants should register at the here 

28 September 2015: 10:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m.

Venue: Saint. Francis of Assisi Church, San Damiano Hall, 135 West 31st  Street, New York,  NY

Co-organized by: IBON International, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), U.N. and International Affairs Ministry of the General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church (GBCS), International Migrants Alliance (IMA), NGO Mining Working Group, Migrants Center of Church of St. Francis of Assisi


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