Habitat III Add your voice to the Urban Dialogues
We invite you to participate in the Urban Dialogues
The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) to be held in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016.
The Urban Dialogues will host a series of
e-discussions over the course towards Habitat III with the aim to enable all
voices to be heard and to bring new thinking in the elaboration of
the New Urban Agenda.
From the 6 to 31 July 2015, the thematic
consultation will run on the following six areas:
To stay connected
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Peter Russell is a highly respected scientist, futurist, spiritual leader, and author. A pioneer in recognizing the urgency of our environmental crisis, he authored a hard-hitting critique challenging the notion that sustainable development and Western civilization are compatible. His trenchant analysis is even more compelling as this crisis continues to grow.development financing