Communitas Colaition side event UN HQ Committee Room B Thursday 26th 115-245

The Communitas Coalition and its core partners ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, Tellus Institute, UN-­‐Habitat and the Network   of   Regional   Governments   for   Sustainable   Development   nrg4SD   are   delighted   to   convene   this   discussion   in collaboration  with  the  Group  of  Member  States  Friends  of  Sustainable  Cities,  the  World  Urban  Campaign,  the  Urban  SDG Campaign and the Ford Foundation. Our panel of urbanisation practitioners and governments will outline the challenges and the opportunities that lie behind measuring progress on SDG11. They will also present their ongoing experience on indicators and monitoring frameworks for urban sustainability and balanced territorial development at all geographical scales. Last but not  least,  they  will  discuss  specific  proposals  for  indicators  for  the  SDG  on  Cities  and  Human  Settlements  -­‐  particularly  on human planning and management (11.3), green and public space (11.7) and rural urban-­‐linkages (11.a) and how geospatial technology can help with these targets.

13:15    Welcome and Introduction
Moderator: Ms. Maruxa Cardama, Executive Coordinator & Co-­‐Founder, Communitas Coalition

13:20    What  are  the  critical  elements  to  be  measured  across  SDG11  targets?  What  are  the  challenges  and  the opportunities?

Dr. Eugenie L. Birch -­‐ Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research | Chair, World Urban Campaign |Chair, Graduate Group in City & Regional Planning and Co-­‐Director, Penn Institute for Urban Research, University of Pennsylvania
Mr. Raf Tuts -­‐ Coordinator, Urban Planning and Design Branch and Acting Coordinator, Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch, United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-­‐Habitat
Mr. Zak Bleicher Liaison Officer, New York Office, International Fund for Agriculture Development, IFAD Ms. Francesca Perucci  – Chief, Statistical Services Branch, UN DESA Statistics Division

13:50 What lessons can be learnt from current indicators and monitoring mechanisms applied by governments? How are governments preparing for measuring and monitoring SDG11? How can geospatial technology help crafting targets and monitoring their progress particularly targets 11.3 on planning and management, 11.7 on public and green space and 11.a on rural urban linkages?

Ms. Mireia Cañellas Grifoll -­‐ Head, Sustainability Unit, Territory & Sustainability Department, Government of Catalonia Representative of the European Commission -­‐
Ms. Seema Parkah First Secretary, Mission of the Republic of Singapore to the United Nations On behalf Co-­‐ Chair,
Group of Friends for Sustainable Cities

Ms. Marcela Ordoñez -­‐ Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations 14:20     Q&A Session


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