We believe that, to be effective, this Declaration should not exceed three pages A title such as “TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD – A CALL FOR GLOBAL ACTION” might be considered. 

1. Opening paragraph: Heads of State and Government meeting at the UN adopt historic agreement on new framework. Integrated Agenda will provide opportunity to end poverty and hunger within a generation. Will ensure lasting protection of planet. Will create conditions for sustainable economic growth and prosperity. Bold and ambitious vision. Transformational Goals and targets. Build on Rio+20 Outcome Document, ‘The future we want’. 

2. The MDGs were agreed 15 years ago. Since then, a crucial framework for development. However, progress on implementation uneven; some of Goals not achieved. Must complete unfinished business of MDGs. 

3. The world today. A time of major global challenges to sustainable development, such as poverty and exclusion, unemployment, climate change, conflict and humanitarian crises. Some of these challenges are interlinked. Their solutions must be integrated. Global opportunities also – technology, innovation, connectivity.

 4. Agenda to be implemented in line with the common fundamental values of the UN, including freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect for all human rights, respect for nature and shared responsibility. 

5. Importance of building peaceful and inclusive societies, strengthening governance and institutions, and promoting the rule of law. 

6. New vision for collective path towards sustainable development. We envisage for 2030 a just, equitable, tolerant and inclusive world. An ambitious agenda for the next 15 years for people and planet which addresses the structural causes of poverty, inequality and environmental degradation. Three dimensions of sustainable development. Sustained economic growth that delivers benefits for all. 

7. Poverty eradication is the greatest global challenge facing our world. Today we recommit ourselves to freeing humanity from poverty and hunger. No one will be left behind: this is our solemn pledge. No target will be considered met unless it is met for all economic and social groupings. Need to prioritise the most vulnerable. Gender equality and the empowerment of women critical for sustainable development. 

8. Needs of countries in special situations to be addressed (LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS, African countries), countries facing special challenges (conflict-affected countries and MICs). 

9. Universal agenda, applicable to all countries. At the same time we take into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development. National ownership critical. 

10. Action to combat climate change and environmental degradation a key part of the agenda. Global nature of challenge calls for widest possible international cooperation. Urgency of universal climate agreement. 

11. SDGs and targets the basis of the new agenda; the six essential elements in the Secretary General’s Synthesis report, wholly or in part, important as a means of characterising outcomes of global efforts. 

12. Implementation will require an ambitious and effective global partnership which will deliver in full on global goals. Welcome the agreement reached in Addis Ababa on Means of Implementation. Active engagement needed from governments as well as civil society, the private sector and the UN system. (Possible reference to strengthening the UN to support implementation of the Post-2015 Agenda). 

13. A robust and transparent framework for follow-up and review of progress on implementation at all levels and for ensuring mutual accountability. Role of HLPF. 

14. Paragraph which makes clear that the Agenda is guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. Grounded also in the UDHR and other human rights commitments, including the right to development. Inspired by the Rio Declaration (including, inter alia, the principle of CBDR) and by the Millennium Declaration. Based also on Rio+20 Outcome Document, and on proposal of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals. Informed by SG’s Synthesis Report. i 

15. Final call to action which could recall the foundation of the UN 70 years ago and draw parallels with the scale of the challenge faced today and the response now decided on by world leaders. Emphasis on significance of new agenda for ordinary people around the world. Vital contributions to be made by governments, parliaments, private sector, civil society etc. We commit to achieving the goal of ending poverty within fifteen years and of preserving our planet for today’s young people and future generations.

 i Declaration could footnote all previous important conference/summit outcomes


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