A Declaration from the Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference
Integrated Approaches into the Sustainable Development Goals
Declaration from the Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference in the
name of the Co-directors held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, March 5th to 8th 2014
Submitted to the UN
Secretary-General, the President of the UN General Assembly and the Co-chairs
of the Sustainable Development Goals Open Working Group on the 26th of March,
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
300 delegates from 33 countries representing
governments, intergovernmental organizations, academic institutions, companies,
environmental and development organizations and other stakeholders met at an
internationally supported[1]
conference at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, from March 5th
to 8th 2014 to explore how addressing interlinkages and an
intersectoral approach can enable stakeholders to further the post-2015 agenda
and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals currently being discussed
at the United Nations.
following declaration is based on discussions, research and contributions associated
with the Nexus 2014: Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference and outlines
how integrative approaches might best be built into the UN’s forthcoming
Sustainable Development Goals and the post-2015 agenda.
comprehensive conference report that expands on the issues contained in here is
available online at www.nexusconference.unc.edu under the header Conference
submit this declaration to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and
commend it to the chairs and members of the Open Working Group of the General
Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals and to all those concerned with the post-2015
agenda and the creation of the new Sustainable Development Goals.
Dodds and Jamie Bartram
2014 Conference Co-directors[2]
DECLARATION Downloadable here
partners include the World Bank, United Nations Department of Economic and
Social Affairs, United Nations Development Program, United Nations Human
Settlement Programme, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification,
International Renewable Energy Agency, World Business Council for Sustainable
Development, United Nations Global Compact, Futures Group, WWF, Stockholm
Environment Institute, Millennium Institute, Global Water Partnership,
Biovision, World Society for the Protection of Animals, and Consultative Group
on International Agriculture Research.
Conference Partners include those who significantly contributed to the
development of the Conference’s agenda and vision. Additional organizations
generously provided financial support and are thanked online at http://nexusconference.web.unc.edu/2014-sponsors/
I couldn't find the comprehensive conference report. Could you give the exact download link please?