From Rio+20 to a New Development Agenda: Building a Bridge to a Sustainable Future

It is a fine day ---- We have today submitted the manuscript to  Routledge- Earthscan for the new book From Rio+20 to a New Development Agenda: Building a Bridge to a Sustainable Future By
Felix Dodds, Jorge Laguna-Celis and Elizabeth Thompson

It is a sister book to 'Only One Earth (by Felix Dodds, Michael Strauss with Maurice Strong) and picks up the story from the end of that book and takes the reader through the preparations, negotiations and the possibly road to success for 2015 in the development of new development goals.

Publishing end of the year. Contents are:
Part I: The Re-birth of Sustainable Development
[a]President Lula da Silva’s & Brazil’s Case for Rio+20
[a]The impacts of the 2008 economic and financial crisis
[b]Breaking the silos between development and sustainable development
[b]The emergence of the Group of Twenty (G20)
[b]The 2008 Doha Review Conference on Financing for Development
[b]The 2009 conference World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development
[b]The 2010 High-level Plenary Meeting of the General
[b]Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the BRICS association
[b]The Bolivarian Alliance of the People of our America (ALBA)
[b]Indonesia and ASEAN
[b]Republic of Korea
[b]The African Union and its East African Community
[b] In light of how fractious multilateral negotiations have become,
[a]The science underpinning an integrated approach for development
[b]The Fifth Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5)
[b]Synthesis Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned on the Objects and Themes of the Conference

Part II: Chronicling the key influences on Rio+20
[a]How was Rio+20 shaped
[b]The formal negotiations and their development
[b]Lessons learned from the definition of the formal preparatory process
[a]The political role of the UN Secretary-General
[a]The key UN initiatives pre Rio+20
[b]The Global Sustainability Panel
[b]Sustainable Energy For All (SE4All)
[b]The Zero Hunger Challenge
[b]The Oceans Compact
[a]The informal process in New York
[b]Informal contact group on the MDGs
[b]Friends of food and nutrition security
[b]Friends of water
[b]Friends of Sustainable Energy for All
[b]Friends of sustainable tourism
[b]Friends of sustainable cities
[b]Friends of oceans and seas
[b]Friends for disaster risk reduction and resiliency to natural disasters
[b]Friends of the mountains
[b]Friends on gender equality and women’s empowerment
[b]Friends of Rio+20
[b]Friends of the UN General Assembly thematic debate on the Green Economy
[b]Informal discussion group on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development
[b]Non-meetings on IFSD and the emergence of the high-level political forum
[a]International meetings that shaped Rio+20
[b]Indonesian High Level Dialogue on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development
[b]UN DPI 64th NGO Conference – Sustainable Societies Responsive Citizens
[b]Outreach efforts for the Sustainable Development Goals
[c] Background of the Sustainable Development Goals
[c]Major outreach efforts for the SDGs undertaken by Colombia
[b]Bonn 2011 Conference: The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus
[b]Monaco Workshop: Sustainable Use of Oceans – In the Context of the Green Economy and Poverty Eradication
[b]Annual Spring meeting of the World Bank Group with Finance Ministers April, 2012
[b]Planet Under Pressure Conference
[b]SIDS Launch of SE4All – Barbados, May 2012
[c]The Barbados Declaration on energy issues
[a]Stakeholder Preparation and influence in the policy definition process
[b]Governance: Sustainable Governance 2012 Network
[b]Green Economy: Global Transition 2012
[b]Paragraph 48: Dialogue on a Convention for Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability
[b]Rio principle 10: Access to information, public participation and environmental justice
[a]The transition from the informal and the global consultation process to the Zero Draft of The Future We Want
[a]Key UN leaders for Rio+20
[b]Sha Zukang
[b]Liz Thompson
[b]Brice LaLonde
[b]Nikhil Seth
[b]Tariq Banuri
[b]David O’Connor
[b]Janos Pasztor
[b] Achim Steiner
[b] KandehYumekella
[b] Rachel Kyte
[b]Alicia Barcena
[b]Olav Kjorven
[b]Veerle Vandeweerd
[a]The Rio+20 Secretariat and the broader contributions from the UN System
b]The contribution of the Global Compact
[b] Department of Public Information (DPI)

Part III: How did it all come to happen?
[a]Key divergence as the meeting starts
[a] The G77 and China too diverse to negotiate as a single block?
[b]Definition of a vision and the call for a framework
[b]A new generation of developing country leaders
[b]Moving towards a unified position
[a] European Union
[b]Key European Union negotiators
[a] The United States of America and Rio+20
[b]Key USA negotiators
[a]Brazil assumes leadership over the process
[b]A new development political discourse
[b]Consensus building amongst developing countries
[b]The importance of informal political consultations
[b]The preconference informal consultations
[a]The gaps in The Future We Want
[a]Key actors in Rio

Part IV: Multiplying commitments
[a]The Stakeholder Dialogue Days
[b]Unemployment, Decent Work and Migration
[b]Sustainable Development for Fighting Poverty
[b]The Economics of Sustainable Development, including Sustainable Patterns of Production and Consumption
[b] Food and Nutrition Security
[b]Sustainable Energy for All
[b]Sustainable Cities and Innovation
[a]Voluntary Commitments
[a]National Sustainable Development Councils and Economic and Social Committees
[a]Subnational and Local Government
[a]Future Earth
[a]Education and Training
[a]World Congress on Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability
[a]Initiatives on Transparency and Access to Information
[a]Sustainable Energy 4 All (SE4All) and Commitments and Achievements at Rio+20
[b]Governments and Country Actions
[b]A New Engagement for Business
[b]Development Banks and Institutions
[b]Commitments from the NGO community, Artists, Academia, and Individuals’ Actions
[b]Registry of Commitments
[b]The Natural Capital Declaration
[a]Financial commitments
[b]A strategy for Mobilizing Financing for Sustainable Development
[b]A technology facilitation mechanism

Part V: From Rio+20 to 2015 and the new Development Agenda
[a]Introduction: Rio+20: failure of success?
[a]Towards an inspiring narrative
[a]The role of institutions for sustainable development
[a]Sustainable Development Goals – how to build a consolidated development agenda?
[b]Agree on a transparent and inclusive approach
[b]Combine universality and differentiation
[a]Resource mobilization and financing for sustainable development
[b]Official development assistance commitments must be honored
[b]New financing sources should also be identified
[b]Make choices transparent; give a choice to investors and consumers
[a]The reform of the Economic and Social Council and the High Level Political Forum
[a]A new governance model for environmental sustainability
[a]The of stakeholders in global policy making
[a]January 2016

Part VI: A Resource Guide to The Future We Want
[b]Poverty eradication
[b]Food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture
[b]Water and sanitation
[b]Sustainable tourism
[b]Sustainable transport
[b]Sustainable cities and human settlements
[b]Health and population
[b]Employment, decent work for all and social protection
[b]Oceans and seas
[b}Small Island Developing States
[b]Disaster risk reduction
[b]Climate change
[b]Chemicals and waste
[b]Sustainable consumption and production
[b]Gender equality and women’s empowerment


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