Part of a European tour starting with the first stop Paris for the French government conference: 'Towards a new Global Governance' on the 31st of January. Other speakers included the French Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, the great Danish Minister Ida Auken. Her uncle Svend Auken was also environment Minister and helped get WSSD off the ground. Brice Lalonde Executive Coordinator Rio+20, Andre Correa de Lago Rio+20 Brazilian Ambassador and Cherif Rahmani Algerian Minister of the Environment. The event looked at the idea of upgrading the UNEP into a World Environmental Organization and the creation of a Sustainable Development Council of the UN General Assembly. In my presentation i supported both and the call by industry for a Convention on Corporate Sustainability.

The Dutch Platform for Rio+20 invited me to address a Rio+20 event (February 2nd 2012). Chairing is the Dutch Ambassador for Sustainable Development Kitty Vander Haijden. The event updated the Dutch stakeholders on the developments the previous week at the UNCSD 2012 preparatory meeting and what might be possible for Rio.


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